Toronto Star Features Veterans/Grandparents Breakfast

On Monday, May 4, 2015 Crestwood hosted its 4th Veterans/Grandparents Breakfast.  This annual event has evolved from a small gathering to a staple of the Crestwood calendar that takes place in the gym, with more than 140 grandparents, parents, and students in attendance.  The guests of honour were the many Oral History Project interviewees who came to Crestwood for the morning:  more than eighty World War Two Veterans and Holocaust Survivors visited us that day, and this was our opportunity to show them our hospitality, serving them breakfast, entertaining them, and updating them on our program.

The Toronto Star highlighted the event – the following article link appeared in page 3 of their paper edition on May 9 – or you can read it here, with the audio-video links:

We would love for you to share this story with your contacts and to encourage them to look at some of the stories on our webpage (they can find it at  For those of you who are featured on the webpage please encourage your families to have a look.

We are proud of our program and want to ensure that we can keep it growing.  We are lucky to be doing this at a time when it is inexpensive, but we do have a few bills to pay.  One of the best ways for us to do this is to get more traffic/hits on the webpage – please help us to spread the word!