Meet the Teacher: Vanessa Wappel
Grades 7, 8 and 10
Ms. Wappel grew up in Scarborough and has 4 older siblings. She has 10 nieces and nephews and loves being an aunt.
Vanessa stays active by going to the gym and swimming. She is on a Masters Swim Team and is looking forward to competing in the National Championships this May. She likes to spend time with friends and family, play board games, read, and travel to new places.
Growing up she always enjoyed helping friends understand concepts they were struggling with in school. She also loves working with kids and teenagers. That combination made teaching the perfect career choice for her.
When asked to talk about something fun she has experienced at Crestwood, Ms. Wappel says there are too many great experiences to pick from. One year, when she supervised the Spirit Point camping trip, she played manhunt with about 40 grade 9 students. It was so intense and fun, it made her feel like a kid again.
What’s her secret talent? Thanks to her grade 9 Latin teacher, she will always remember how to recite the Lord’s Prayer in Latin!