Sports Report


Our return to intramural sports this year was embraced by eager students from grades 3-6. Although a slightly different season than in previous years, the return to sports filled a void in school life that was felt by many. Over 160 students took part in our intramural sports program.

Congratulations to our 2021-22 cross country team. Twice a week at 8:15am, 60 eager students and their coaches took to the Glendon trails for an early morning run. What a wonderful way to wake up our bodies and ready our minds for the day ahead.

Our cross-country team took part in a virtual cross country meet last week, with schools from our association. All students ran the same distance for their age group. The times were sent to our sport convenor who then compiled the results so the runners could see how they stacked up against runners from other schools.

Your coaches are so proud of your commitment to our practices and your efforts on the trails. The conditions along our route have made for some challenging and exciting early morning runs.

Congratulations to our top runners in their order to a 10th place finish.


Grade 3 & 4:    Rae R., Ryan W., Max S., Everett G., Athan S.,

Grade 5:          Sebastian S., Charlie M., Maya D.,

Grade 6:          Dylan S.,

We hope to continue if the weather cooperates. Please read the sports week ahead, as pick up times may shift as the days get shorter.

Thanks to all the coaches for encouraging and guiding our athletes to strive to perform at their best.

Sherri Brenzel