Please Join Us In Remembering

Dear Parents and Friends of Crestwood Preparatory College,

The students and staff at Crestwood Preparatory College have used our Oral History Project to document global issues and educate people inside and outside the school about historic tragedies and concerns for many years now.

These necessary connections, these invaluable testimonials, have become a way of life at the school. All these take on greater relevance when the school community convenes yearly on or near Remembrance Day to commemorate the sacrifices made by so many Canadians in major conflicts around the world. “Lest we forget” takes on greater meaning in light of the frequency of discussions during the school year related to historically tragic events.

This year, the school community will convene on Monday, November 12th in our gymnasium and once again pay homage to the men and women who gave their lives for the values we hold so dear. As usual, Mr. Masters and his department will invite veterans and Holocaust survivors to attend the ceremony. All members of the CPC community are also invited to attend. Your participation will only add to the meaning and impact this day should have on our student body.

Monday, November 12th at 10:30 in our school gymnasium. Parents may RSVP if they wish by emailing either Mr. Masters ( or Mr. Hawkins (


Vince Pagano
