P.A. Meeting
Please join us in the boardroom for our next P.A. meeting on Thursday, April 4 at 8:45 a.m. Coffee and muffins will be available at 8:30 a.m. Everyone is welcome!
Pizza Lunch
The next pizza lunch is on Friday, April 12.
Nominations Wanted
The Parents’ Association has committee positions open for fall 2019. Coordinators are needed for various areas, including Mane Essentials (the PA store), Pizza lunches, Volunteers, Parent Social, Communications and Used Uniform Sales. The role of Vice-President is also open.
Participation in the PA is a rewarding experience that benefits the entire Crestwood community. We are a down-to-earth group of volunteers and there is always back-up, should you need it. If you’re interested, position descriptions and nomination forms are posted on Edsby in the Parent Community.
If you’d like to submit a nomination or learn more, please contact Shannon at gary.shannon.nevison@gmail.com or Heather at heather@stuffonastick.ca. We’d love to hear from you!