Parents’ Association

Today we hosted the first PA Pizza Day, thank you to all the wonderful parent volunteers.  It was a huge success.

Next week we have two events coming up, please join us:

  • Thursday October 15thfor the PA meeting at 8:45 in the school staff room. At 10:00 m Adam Anklewicz will be hosting  Edsby 101 session for all parents who would like a better understanding of the school’s main digital resource in communicating school happenings and homework based on you and your child’s profile. Logging on, navigation and key features will be reviewed as well as a questions and answers period. Please RSVP that we can accommodate the numbers.
  • Friday October 16th. Yan (Coco) Ke and her team of volunteers host the first PA Bake Sale of the 2015-16 school year. Interested in helping out baking or selling? Contact Coco at

Bake Sale