Parents’ Association

A month has almost past and the students are settling into the swing of things. The PA and the parents have also been getting settled and organized. This coming month we kick off Pizza Lunches, Bake Sales and host our school wide parent social, Fabbrica!

There are always opportunities to get involved, so PLEASE join us and mark these dates on the calendar!

Friday October 9 – Pizza Lunch (coordinated by June Ong at

Thursday October 15 – Parent Association meeting at 8:40am followed by Basic 101 Edsby Training for Parents at 10am. Join us! RSVP to Terry McNamara at

Friday October 16 – PA Bake Sale (coordinated by Yan (Coco) Ke at )

Thursday October 26– Parent Social Night (coordinated by Wendy Lerner at

Lara Cravit ( who runs the school store, Mane Essentials, is looking for a couple more parents to help out either once a week or on an occasional basis. Special thanks to the wonderful number of parents that have offered to volunteer this past month and have helped us get the events and programs rolling.

I’d also like to take this time to introduce you to your NEW 2015-16 Grade Reps. Their role is to help keep you in the loop by providing another avenue to connect by email. Please welcome:

  • Janey (Hongjun) Han , Lisa Bloom, Justine Codron, Alissa Sherman and Gila Alshulter (Grade 7)
  • Karin Lunan, Yan (Coco) Ke and Luanne Pearlman (Grade 8)
  • Gila Altshuler (Grade 9)
  • Kathryn Holland (Grade 11)

I’m very excited about this coming month. See you soon!

Terry McNamara

PA Communications