Junior Girls Basketball

  The Junior Girls Basketball team had an excellent season this year! During league play the girls had 4 wins and only 2 loses, which secured a 2nd place finish in their division.  Moving into playoffs the girls faced Lakefield College in an elimination game. Once again the girls added another win to their record which

Open House

  Yesterday’s Open House was a huge success, largely thanks to the support of current Crestwood families. Thank you for sharing your CPC experiences with others, and inviting families to see what our school is all about. If you know families that may be interested in sending their son or daughter to Crestwood in the

Print My Art

The Crestwood School Parents Association’s first fundraising program, Print My Art, is well underway and your children have been putting their artistic skills to work! Each student is creating one art piece at school.   Once completed (mid November), it will be sent home with an order form so that you can see the various options


  On Tuesday, November 3rd, 47 students from Crestwood participated alongside approximately 2,200 students in the DECA Regional Competition in Hamilton, Ontario.  Both Hamilton public schools and Ontario private schools competed for a spot in the upcoming Provincial Competition this February, where students from all over Ontario will compete for a placement in the International

Chess Club

  On Friday, October 30th, four members of the Crestwood Chess Club competed in the Toronto Secondary School Chess League Individual Championship at the University of Toronto School.  The 50 competitors in the event ranged in age from Grades 5 to Grade 12 and included two members of Canada’s national age-level chess teams.  There were five sets

Winter Tryouts

  Our athletes and coaches are ready to start the winter season! Below is a list of the first try-out dates for each team. Subsequent try-out dates can be found on the school website. U14 Boys Basketball – Monday November 9th – 4:30-5:30 Junior Boys Basketball – Monday November 9th – 7:00am-8:00am Senior Boys Basketball – Monday November 9th – 3:15-4:30 U14 Girls Volleyball – Tuesday November 10th – 4:30-5:30 Junior

University Visits

  Interested in hearing from different universities? Both Western University and Brock University will be visiting CPC next week! If it’s UBC that interests you, there is an information session at the Metro Toronto Convention Centre.   Monday November 9th– King’s University College @ Western University Tuesday November 10th– Brock University   Your Degree at

Movember Musings

Once again some of the male members of the staff are offering up their faces to grow fantastic facial art (well they’d like to think so anyway). To show Crestwood’s support for all causes including the big battle against cancer, we will be hosting our own “Movember/Twin” spirit day at the end of November. It will


  On behalf of the whole PA, I’d like to thank Terry and Wendy (plus their team of volunteers) for a fantastic night at Fabbricca!  We had a great turnout of both parents and teachers who were treated to awesome food, an unbelievable magician and for some, amazing door prizes.  Thank you all for your

Mary Poppins for Primary

On Thursday, November 5th, the Primary Division travelled to the Newmarket Theatre to watch the production of Mary Poppins. The show took the students and teachers on many magical and memorable adventures.  Mary Poppins reminded us that  “Anything can happen if you let it.”  It was a magical time had by all staff and students.

Frigid Flag Football, Fantastic!

At 7:45am last Thursday without knowing it the flag football team would board a bus en-route to Iceland in Mississauga to make history! Taking the field for their first game in the bitter cold and gusting wind, the team held onto their great attitude and battled on despite the frigid conditions. After some great plays, and back

Parent/Teacher Nov.19th

Hello Parents, If you have not done so already, please take a moment to book an appointment with your son/daughter teacher(s) for Thursday, November 19th. Notices were mailed out earlier this week. If you have any issues or concerns, please do not hesitate to contact your child’s teacher directly via email. Click on link below

Just how to Study for an Quiz

The cognitive-behavioral therapy is used in numerous problems associated with mood, persona, nervousness, substance abuse’s remedy The’ Aaron Behavior Treatment’ is one beneficial strategy that deals with most of the problems in the above list. What is Cognitive Behavioral Treatment? It is a remedy which has a psycho-therapeutic approach to solving issues associated with structural

We Scare Hunger

It has been great to see students and teachers rally together over the past two weeks to help “scare hunger” in our community. With all the items collected, Crestwood should be proud to know that a difference really has been made to those in need. The winning homeroom was Mr. Tanev’s (with a tentative count

Winter Try-Outs

The winter athletic season will be beginning very shortly with try-outs beginning in the next week or so.  Below is a list of the first try-out dates for each team. Subsequent try-out dates can be found on the school website. Learn to Curl – Wednesday November 4th – 3:30-5:30 @ Donalda Curling Club U14 Boys Basketball – Monday November 9th – 4:30-5:30 Junior Boys

Athletes of the Month: October

Male Athlete of the Month – Jesse Codron Jesse played for the U14 boys soccer team this season.  He led the team offensively with his footwork and game sense.  Jesse was a role model for his team mates attending all practices and games and working hard all season.                

Junior Boys Volleyball

The Junior Boys Volleyball team had an excellent building season this year. Although only competing against students in Grades 9 and 10, our team consisted of students from Grades 7-10. This could have easily intimidated our boys,  however, the team chose to enter each game confidently, always giving 100% on the court. Our most exciting

Senior Boys Volleyball

Crestwood’s Senior Boys’ Volleyball Team saw a mix of team veterans playing alongside a number of athletic newcomers.  Over the course of the season, the individual and team skill level improved dramatically.  By the end of the season, the team was working together to play a high level of volleyball.  The team’s final match was

U14 Girls Basketball

Crestwood’s U14 Girls Basketball team enjoyed a great season. Not only did the girls show great improvement throughout the season, they also made sure to have fun along the way. The team consistently played with heart, determination, and teamwork. After some hard fought games, the girls made it to the playoffs. Although they didn’t win,

Junior Girls Basketball

The Junior Girls Basketball team has had an excellent season, finishing in 2nd place in their divisional league play. The team will face Lakefield College this Thursday November 5th at Crestwood for a playoff match. Winning this game will mean a final four tournament on Saturday November 7th, where Crestwood will battle for the title of League Champions! Let’s go