
Last week YARRD/Me to We held its annual Candy Gram bonanza, in support of Crestwood’s 3 foster children, Jandry Anthony Tumbaco from Ecuador, Theresa Pale from Burkina Faso, and Gertrude Banda from Mali. Students in the Doc/Film Club produced a compelling film trilogy; The Master List, written by Sabrina Wasserman and filmed by master cinematographer Rohan

Oral History Project

The Crestwood Oral History Project is in the midst of its busy season! The CHCs are completing their oral history interviews – all 80+ of them. In the last week, we have had 2 in class visitors, and done one in home visit. Students from Mr. Masters’ class went to visit Kelman Cohen in his

Syrian Refugee Clothing Drive

Today’s grub day, spearheaded by Robbie Altshuler, was an initiative to collect clothing for Syrian Refugees living in Toronto. It was a great success, with over twelve jammed-packed garbage bags of clothes to donate. It is wonderful to know that the CPC community is helping families in need.              

Battery Blitz

We will soon be participating in the annual Battery Blitz hosted by the Earth Rangers but we were thinking we could get a head start! In the junior building, we have a battery and phone recycling bin at the entrance to the office and a bin will also be setup in the Atrium. In the

Badminton Team bring “A Game” to Branksome Hall

Josh surprised our opponents with hairpin drops and hard-hitting overhead shots. He has definitely mastered the game’s primary attacking stroke. Eric, Aron and Raymond foiled their opponents with their version of the “drive”; a low, fast shot over the net. To the amazement of the other team, Saladin used quick wrist-and-forearm rotations, thereby changing an apparently soft shot into

Grade 12s Visit Google

On Wednesday, the grade 12 computer science class travelled to the Google office in Toronto. The students were greeted with a tasty and nutritious breakfast and given a tour of the entire office. After playing some ping pong, entering the secret room, and enjoying the Toronto art work scattered throughout the office, the students sat down for a Q&A on Google X. 

Chinese New Year

Last Friday, Crestwood Staff, Students and Parents gathered at the Dragon Pearl restaurant to celebrate Chinese New Year. It was a great evening in which the students showed off their many talents. Here are some pictures of the evening. Can’t wait until next year!                      

Human Body Experts

Class 5B continues to learn all about the human body.  This week, we welcomed a scientist into our classroom to teach us even more about the different systems that help our bodies function.  We created models of the excretory system, played a board game about the circulatory system, labeled skeletons, and created a model of

Model UN

Crestwood was pleased to send a delegation of students to the University of Toronto Model United Nations Assembly (UTMUN) this year.  UTMUN is held each February on the campus of the University of Toronto.  Crestwood’s delegates this year included Sabrina Wasserman, Bilal Ahmed, Artie Shlykov, Matthew Cohen, Donna Dong, Taylor Frankfort, Georgia Gardner, Justin Lim,

Social Media Awareness Assembly

On Thursday February 18th Crestwood will be having a presentation in the gymnasium for all students regarding Social Media awareness and Internet safety.  Police Constable Laurie McCann of the Toronto Police Force will be here to speak to the student body from 9:20-10:20. Officer McCann will begin a conversation about our “digital footprint” which will help our

Kids Lit Quiz

On Monday, February 1, Crestwood’s Kids Lit Quiz team attended the Toronto competition.  After training for 4 months, the students were masters of children’s literary trivia and ready to compete. There were 68 teams of grades 5-8 students in attendance.  I’m proud to say that our team came in 17th, which is an incredible accomplishment

Prosserman Heading to Provincials

Grade 5 student Evan Prosserman captured Gold in the “2016 STARSkate Championships” (for Central Ontario (pre-juvenile men (U11)). He skated his personal best with a score of 24.70! This qualifies him to skate next month in the “Skate Ontario Provincial Championships”, held this year in Sudbury, Ontario. Check out his award winning performance –

Multicultural Day

Multicultural Day has been an annual tradition at Crestwood since the school first opened its doors. Every year, students studying Grade 9 Geography are assigned a country to research and become experts on. Working in groups, students research various aspects of their assigned nation’s culture, and also prepare appetizers, entrees and desserts that showcase that

Grade 8s Go Phone-Free

This week Ms. Klein’s Grade 8 students had a phone-free day. They left their cell phones with Ms. Klein for the whole day, and signed contracts stating that they would talk to their friends rather than posting, texting or snapping! It was quite a success, and great to have some real “Face Time”!    

Sports Update

The Lions have another great week in sport! U14 and Varsity Swimming The U14 Swim Team had an impressive meet at the Etobicoke Olympium on Wednesday. Notable swimmers include: Monica Altshuler, Alice Shen, Sydney Zuckerman, Julian Vinizki and Taylor Kronick not only swam qualifying swims but also achieved their new personal best times. Although Vincent Li and

Guidance News

Course Selection: Final reminder that course selection forms must be submitted to Ms. Hann or Mr. Mitz in the guidance office by Wednesday February 10th.  Forms must be printed from Career Cruising and signed by a parent/guardian in order for course selection to be considered complete for all students in grades 9-11. Volunteer Opportunities: Are you