Crestwood Live Streaming

We are now able to stream certain games and events for parents to watch from wherever they are.  Upcoming events are listed below.  Click here to go to our Crestwood Live Streaming Channel and don’t forget to subscribe! Monday December 18 Senior Boys Division I Basketball @ 3:00-4:30pm Junior Boys Division I Basketball @ 4:30-6:00pm

The Debating Championships

The Grade 12 Intragrade Debating Championships came to an exciting conclusion this week with the final debate.  The team of Dana Doubovsky and Navid Sarshar was pitted against the team of Spencer Arshinoff and Megan Werger.  The resolution involved whether or not membership in the British Commonwealth still remains an important element of Canada’s national

CPC’s Senior Robotics Team

Crestwood’s Senior Robotics Team had a busy month. In preparation for their upcoming competition, they constructed a robot soccer field out of plywood. On November 29th, the team will be hosting a shootout challenge during town hall. It will be a face off between two teams led by Logan Lim (class of ’18) and Alex Wang

Guidance News

The Crestwood deadline to complete university and/or college applications is Friday December 1st, 2017. Any questions regarding applications can be directed to Jenn Hann or Jeff Mitz in Guidance. 2018 Summer Programs University of King’s HYP Program What: Humanities for Young People (HYP) When: July 7th- 15th, 2018 Where: University of King’s College Halifax, Nova Scotia Visit to

Parents’ Association News

Holiday Bake Sale Our Holiday Bake Sale is on Wednesday, December 13th. Yummm! Thank you to our volunteers for making our bake sales such a success.  New volunteers are always welcome for baking, buying or selling.  If you’re interested or you’d like more information, please contact Justine at

Junior Boys’ Prep Basketball Team Wins Father Henry Carr Junior Classic

The Crestwood Junior Prep Boys’ Basketball Team won the Father Henry Carr Junior Classic last weekend with a thrilling 75-69 win over the hosts, Henry Carr, in the championship game. Widely considered the best junior tournament in the City of Toronto, and possibly the country, many of Toronto’s best players have competed in this prestigious

“Tree-rific” Professor Pricklethorn

This week, the Eco-Team hosted a guest speaker for grade 2,3 and 4 classes. Professor Pricklethorn is an internationally certified arborist who facilitates exciting workshops for kids about the importance of trees in urban environments. We participated in the “Trees Please and Thank You PEP Rally.” It focuses on photosynthesis, tree facts and explore the

Book Swap Postponed

Attention all grade 4, 5, and 6 families.  We have postponed the “Book Swap” for the junior students until Monday, December 3.  Please bring in any books that you would like to donate.  If you donate books, you get to take books!  For example, if you donate 4 books, you get to take 4 different books. 

Guidance News

University Visits Tuesday Nov. 21st– Queen’s University Bader Castle International Study Centre Wednesday Nov. 22nd– Ryerson University OUAC Applications All grade 12 students received their Ontario Univeristies Application Centre (OUAC) PINS this past week in the ENG4U classes.  Any students who were absent during the session should stop by the guidance office to pick up

Anti-bullying Week

This week the Female Peer Leadership group put on an anti-bullying week.  The school community participated in several activities throughout the week to bring awareness to the importance of standing up to bullying.  On Wednesday, all students were encouraged to wear pink to symbolize that they stand up to bullying.  Over the lunch hour on Wednesday the several grade

Climbing to the Top in Our PE Classes!

This week Crestwood PE students have the wonderful opportunity in participating in a two week long rock climbing course put on by New Heights Climbing Academy.  The students will have the opportunity to climb rock walls, descend on a the prusik rope and climb up a helicopter ladder.  Everyday, students will test their ability and

Evening P.A. Meeting

We hope you’ll join us for our upcoming evening P.A. meeting on Thursday, November 23 in the boardroom near the main entrance to the school. The meeting will run from 5:30 – 6:30 p.m. sharp to fit within the teachers’ dinner break on Parent / Teacher Interview evening. Everyone is welcome and snacks will be available.

Book Swap

Attention all grade 4, 5, and 6 families.  We will be having a “Book Swap” on Monday, November 27.  Please bring in any books that you would like to donate.  If you donate books, you get to take books!  For example, if you donate 4 books, you get to take 4 different books.  The more you

Parent Teacher Interviews

Parent Teacher Interviews will take place on November 23rd and 24th.  The ability to book appointments will begin on November 14th at 9:00 am and remain open until November 21st at 3:00 pm. The instructions to book interviews have been included below. Click on the Edbsy icon below to access the instructions.

Today We Remember…

Crestwood staff and students took part in the school’s annual Remembrance Day ceremony on Friday morning. Student speakers, the Crestwood Voices choir, and members of the Crestwood band led a multimedia presentation featuring songs, student artwork, and video highlights from Crestwood’s Oral History Project archives. Organizers Mr. Masters and Mr. Hawkins were particularly thankful that a large