Winter Season Has Begun!

Hockey The Senior Boys’ Hockey Team travelled to Greenwood College School on Wednesday to open the 2018-2019 season. In a game that was highly anticipated, both teams did not disappoint with their play. In a game that saw both teams have a number of scoring opportunities, Greenwood prevailed and was able to squeak out a

Complimentary PRESTO Cards

Dear Parents/Guardians, The TTC has been working closely with our school to provide complimentary PRESTO cards to all students. The purpose of this initiative is to help students make the transition away from TTC passes and tickets, to the PRESTO fare card as smooth as possible. While children up to 12 years old will continue

CPC Scholars and Academic Contests

November has been a very busy month for members of Crestwood’s Problem Solving Club. On November 8th, 10 students participated in the Canadian Open Mathematics Competition (the COMC).  This math contest had students discover and explore mathematics and problem solving with some very challenging and unique problems Also, over the past two weeks, Crestwood’s Grade

A Winning Weekend for CPC Basketball

Basketball This past weekend our Lady Lions traveled to Ottawa to take our division rivals, Capital Courts Academy.  CCA came out very energetic and aggressive, which put CPC in a hole.  But with the spectacular frontcourt play of Aaliyah Edwards, Latasha Lattimore, and Kayla Drummond, we were able to forge a massive comeback which was enough

Crestwood at the Creative Futures Expo

On Tuesday November 20th, 13 Senior Art students, along with Ms. Belanger, travelled to the Science Center to participate in the Creative Futures Expo sponsored by the Applied Arts Magazine. The Expo provided students with an opportunity to meet young creative professionals, and learn what opportunities exist for those interested in pursuing creative careers. Universities

Gr.3’s Built for Success

On Monday, the Grade 3’s visited the Ontario Science Center.  We participated in a Structures Workshop where we learned building basics.  In different groups, we investigated the strength and stability of structures. We experimented with compression, tension and load and how these all affect the stability of a structure. We also designed and built bridges,

Parent Teacher Conferences

Our Parent Teacher Conferences will take place on Thursday, November 22nd. Please consider other parents and arrive and end your interviews on time. If you need more time with a particular teacher, arrange a separate meeting or phone call. The smooth running of our event relies on all parents and teachers keeping to the timetable. Thank you

Anti-Bullying Week

This week has been anti-bullying week at Crestwood Preparatory College and the female peer leadership group put on several activities to bring awareness to this topic.  Daily announcements, bulletin boards, townhall videos and social media posts have spread messages of kindness and about the importance of standing up against bullying.  Our Grade 7-9 students participated

A Day to Remember…

November 11th is one of the most important days on the Crestwood calendar as it marks Remembrance Day.  This is a day that all Canadians honour, where we pause and think about and thank the many veterans that have sacrificed for Canada during times of war.  Because of the ongoing Oral History Project, Crestwood students have

CPC’s Mr. Masters Receives Teaching Award

Last weekend Scott Masters was awarded Alpha Education’s “Catalyst for Change” Teaching Award.  Alpha Education is an organization that seeks to raise awareness about the Pacific Theatre of World War Two, in an effort to promote social justice in the region.  In the summer of 2017, Mr. Masters won a grant and was able to

Hands-On @Harbourfront

On Wednesday, November 7, the Grade 6 classes headed to Harbourfront Centre for a hands-on printmaking session. Inspired by Indigenous printmakers, students looked to their personal environments for inspiration, then moved through the sketching, transfer, etching, and printing processes to create a series of linoleum prints. Their final pieces are stunning! This workshop was the