The Grade 12 Intra-grade Debate Championship

Congratulations to Zoe Shen and Sally Li on winning this year’s Grade 12 Intra-grade debate Championship! The pair successfully argued that “it is reasonable in a democratic society for a police officer to require a driver to take a breathalyzer test”. It was a spirited debate with excellent arguments by both sides, but the government’s logical, fact

Crestwood Committed to Neema

On Wednesday, Crestwood alumna Ali Hanson of Neema International visited our school. Ali is Managing Director at this organization, which currently educates and supports 75 students in Tanzania.  At our assembly, she shared photos and updates about the students we sponsor, as well as exciting news about the recent construction of three classrooms. This fall, the

Guidance News

A Message from the McGill Summer Academy Team Following the great success of our first two Summer Academies, we are happy to announce the dates for McGill Summer Academy 2019! From July 7-20 and July 21-August 3, students in grades 10 and 11 from across the world will have the opportunity to participate in classes, workshops, and social activities

Crestwood Space Lions in the Lego League

The Crestwood Space Lions had a successful debut at the first Lego League last Saturday.  Although CPC didn’t qualify to participate in the regionals, the students had a wonderful learning experience. Their problem solving skills and persistence were well displayed. They took many notes in improvement for next year’s competition and can’t wait to get started!

Back to Back Wins Against St. Andrew’s College!

Basketball The U14 Boys’ Basketball team travelled to play at St Andrew’s College Wednesday. In their first game of the season, the boys did not disappoint. The Lions played great defence in the first quarter which helped them jump out to a 15-0 lead. The boys continued to play great defence throughout, which helped propel

The Grade 12 Data Management Game Fair

On Tuesday, the Grade 12 Data Management students tested out their unique probability games on the Crestwood student body. They had the opportunity to see first-hand how probabilities in theory are played out in real life. Thanks to everyone who attended!                

Parents’ Association News

January Parents’ Association Meeting Our next Parents’ Association meeting is January 10, 2019.  Please join us for coffee and muffins and hear about all the activities we have planned for 2019.  Coffee is available at 8:30 am and the meeting starts at 8:45 am in the boardroom. Everyone is welcome.

Crestwood English Department Hosts Annual CITE AGM

On Tuesday, December 11th, the Crestwood English Department hosted this year’s CITE (Conference of Independent Teachers of English) AGM and Social. CITE supports the teaching and learning of English at its member’s CIS Ontario schools and is dedicated to providing CIS English teachers with opportunities for networking and professional development. Last Tuesday’s event was an

Winter Festival of the Arts

“Undeniable talent from the art students”, “creative and touching drama performances”, “catchy and beautiful music displayed by both the bands and the Crestwood Voices”, and “amazing poetry recitations” are all responses heard after the Crestwood Winter Festival of the Arts. This Thursday, December 11th, the Crestwood community hosted our Winter Festival of the Arts. Students

Art Room Wrap

This year the art committee’s enthusiasm and dedication has been keeping them busy without rest! The first backdrop of the year was a great success during the grade 1 production. Congratulations to the very talented art committee! Looking forward to seeing the beautiful programs that are being currently designed for the winter music concert! -Anya

Crestwood Gives

Over the past two weeks, Crestwood families have been generously donating toys, clothes, books, and other items to support 11 families from the Durham Children’s Aid Society.  As in previous years, our Crestwood community stepped up to the task and we saw over 20 bags of goods sent off to make a special Christmas for 27 children.  These items will

Guidance News

GLION SUMMER PROGRAM COMPETITION 2019 Students can win a one-week summer experience in Switzerland or the UK! Greetings from Glion Institute of Higher Education! What is your child going to do next summer? Would they maybe like to spend a week, or two, with like-minded young people from all over the world in Switzerland or

Parents’ Association News

Beautiful Holiday Bake Sale   The Parents’ Association hosted a very festive holiday bake sale this week.  All the baking was beautifully decorated and our fantastic volunteers enjoyed some nice time together, while serving Crestwood students, parents and staff.  Thank you to our customers and to all of the volunteers who make our bake sales

Holiday Concert Reminders

Please remind all students to bring their instruments and music to school on Monday, Tuesday and Wednesday. Our Holiday Concert is Wednesday night at 7PM. Please be sure to attend our performance in full dress uniform. —————————————— Concert tickets will be sent home in your child’s bag this evening.  The tickets are being processed, so

The Beaver Computing Contest

Results are in! Grade 7/8 Beaver Computing Contest by the University of Waterloo Out of 6,715 students in the entire world who competed, our very own Jean-Luc Audet (Grade 8) and Tal Shram (Grade 8) placed in the top 25% and received a certificate of distinction. Particularly, Jean-Luc was one of less than 100 students