Varsity Track & Field Off to A Strong Start

Wednesday, the Varsity Track and Field team competed in the first meet of the year at York University. Congratulations to everyone for a strong start to the season. CPC had several athletes place in the top three in their events. Special shoutout to Hayden for his win in the 1200m, and to Zak for her

Guidance News

US Fair – Tuesday, April 9th @ Crescent School     Crescent School is having a US (mini) Fair on Tuesday, April 9th from 6pm-8:15pm.   Jenika Heim of EducationUSA  has organized the event and the following schools will be attending:    University of Notre Dame Wake Forest University Lafayette University Rochester Institute of Technology University

Community Service Opportunities

1) Sporting Life 10K- Run for Camp Ooch This year’s Sporting Life 10K will be on Sunday May 12th.  If you are interested in volunteering for this event, please see Ms. Hann in the guidance office by Friday April 12th.  Crestwood students will received approximately 6 hours of community service for this event. 2) MS

Grade 11 Biology Dissection

Since returning from break, our Grade 11 biologists have engaged in a fetal pig dissection to get a hands-on appreciation for the complexity of living things, analyze the structures and functions of various organs, and improve their lab skills. A few groups even finished early and were able to get a clear view of the

All Girls STEM Tech Robotics Event

This past Saturday, 28 girls went out to represent CPC at an all girls STEM tech robotics event in Vaughan. They spent a full day learning about augmented reality, flight dynamics, structural integrity, and building robots controlled by a microcontroller (Arduino). They also heard from many female speakers who found success in the STEM field

Welcome to Character Street!

This afternoon, Grade 2 put on an incredible performance of Character Street.  This musical teaches us about respect, responsibility, self-discipline, and kindness.  These students have spent the last 3 months preparing for this musical and it did not disappoint!   We would like to thank Ms. Romanenko and the art committee for the beautiful sets!

Final Exam Schedule

Exams begin for all students on Friday, May 31, 2019.  A general schedule is available on the website under the documents tab. All students have received a personalized examination schedule but if it has been lost they can look at the general schedule online. Morning exams begin at 9:00 am and all afternoon exams begin at 1:00 pm. Exams in Grades

Gr.1 – Under Construction

On Thursday March 28 and Friday March 29, the Grade One classes had their annual visit with Scientist Kathy from Scientists in the School.  The topic of the day was “Structures: Under Construction!” The Grade Ones learned that a structure is an object that has a definite size and shape and serves a definite function or purpose. We also learned that structures can

Author Visit

On Wednesday, April 10, Canadian writer and illustrator Ruth Ohi will be visiting with the JK-Grade 2 students.  We have been enjoying her books and completing related activities in library class.  Unfortunately Ruth is unable to bring in books for sale, but will gladly autograph books that the children may bring from home.  Please see

Member of Parliament Michael Levitt Visits CPC

Member of Parliament Michael Levitt visited Crestwood on Friday morning to speak with social studies students about his life and work as a parliamentarian and representative for the riding of York-Centre. The day began with a roundtable discussion with students from Mr. Masters and Mr. Hawkins’ Grade 12 classes. During this time, the discussion focused

Spring Safety

The Toronto and Region Conservation monitors hazardous ice conditions as thaw begins and are reminding everyone to be very careful around all bodies of water. The first hint of warming weather and the promise of spring thaw can bring extreme danger to the shores and surfaces of streams, rivers, ponds and lakes, according to Toronto

Guidance News

Gap Year Information Event- Tuesday April 9th 7pm-9pm Discover Year, the Canadian Gap Association and International Experience Canada have joined forces to offer an exciting series of information sessions to help students, parents and educators build purposeful gap years for meaningful transitions into post-secondary life.  View the flyer here.  Summer Learning Opportunity   This year the

We Are the Champions!

Over the March break our Elite Basketball teams both competed in their Provincial and National Championships.  The Senior Girls Basketball team began their OSBA provincial playoffs.  After steamrolling through the first two, our Lady Lions ran into a high powered Capital Courts Academy out of Ottawa.  After a dismal start, the Lion’s were down 16

ME to WE India Trip 2019

Many students are familiar with a warm and sunny March break; 14 of them took a warm and sunny trip to India this past March. After a lengthy plane ride, the students sprung into action. Inspired by a visit to the local school in Kalinjer, Rajesthan, where they had four classrooms and no bathrooms servicing

CPC at the Biosteel All-Canadian Games

Crestwood will be the most represented school at the Biosteel All-Canadian Games which showcases the top high school basketball players in the country. Congratulations to the following girls; Aaliyah Edwards (’20), Shayeann Day-Wilson (’21), Rebecca Demeke (’20), Latasha Lattimore (’21), and Kayla Drummond (’20). Congratulations to Jahcobi Neath (’19) who will be playing in the

InCITE English Special Recognition

Two of CPC’s students’ submissions to InCITE, the literary journal for CIS Ontario schools, received special recognition in their respective grade bands this year. The topic of this year’s journal was fan fiction. Georgia Gardner (’19) submitted a short story, Cutting the Strings, narrated whereby Cinderella dumps the Prince and begins speed-dating. Hilarity ensues. In addition