A Word from CPC’s Coach Ro Russell

Greetings Crestwood Community: I’m writing this opening message to you all regarding racism, discrimination, police brutality and Crestwood.  Being a black man and basketball coach I have to, like all other black people,  experience racism, discrimination, police brutality almost everyday our my life. Our race has had to deal with this elephant in the room,

Crestwood Choir Swag

  Crestwood Choir hoodies have arrived! We’ve rolled out this initiative with the Junior Choir in hopes to encourage a sense of community and artistic identity. The Choir team is looking forward to expanding the initiative next year and we are excited to show them off in person on our first Grub day! Many thanks

3A Sock Puppet Show

The students in 3A have been learning about dialogue and quotation marks.  We put this skill into practice by writing and performing mini puppet shows.  We found old socks and “bits-and-bots” like yarn, buttons, stickers, markers, paper, and other craft supplies.  Each student named their sock puppet and created a conversation between themselves and their cute little

The Festival of Arts – June 9th

The Festival of the Arts evenings is an amazing way to celebrate Crestwood Art, Music, Drama, and Technology by showcasing CPC student’s abilities as we transform our hallways into a display of talent and creativity. Arts never sleeps, therefore we have decided to take on the initiative to take the Festival of the Arts from

Meet the Teacher:  Jennifer Williamson

Meet the Teacher:  Jennifer Williamson Subject:  Geography and History Grades:   7 and 8    Ms. Williamson grew up in Mississauga with her parents, one brother and two sisters.  She is married with one son, Landyn, who is 6 years old. In her spare time, Jennifer likes to watch movies and take additional qualification courses.  She

A Starry Night in Gr 2

This week, 2A and 2B learned all about Vincent Van Gogh and his paintings. The children learned about how he famously only sold one painting while he was alive, but now his paintings are worth millions! More specifically, the children learned about one of his paintings called ‘Starry Night’. The children explored how he used

Meet the Teacher:  Owen Smith

Meet the Teacher:  Owen Smith Subject:  Geography, Civics, Careers Grades:   7 – 10    Mr. Smith grew up in Toronto. Both of his parents were teachers.  His mother taught English at Riverdale, Monarch Park, Forest Hill and Harbord.  She started her career in 1975 and retired in 2006.  His dad taught Phys Ed at North


FIRST Robotics Canada Build It Challenge Series Winners Just because we are social distancing, it didn’t stop our Engineers from continuing to build and compete! FIRST Robotics Canada launched a BUILD IT Series challenge nationwide and students can complete building challenges either by building with any real world items/material, LEGO pieces, or Minecraft. CPC’s very own

Co-Curricular Awards

Every May we gather in the gymnasium to recognize the dedication and hard work that our students and teachers put into all the clubs and committees that took place over the past year. These co-curricular activities are critical pieces of our school life.  We also recognize the year-long involvement in academics, athletics, clubs, and committees

Children Will Listen

  In lieu of a spring concert, members of the Junior Choir, and a special guest from the Primary Choir, would like to share a virtual choir performance. Here is our rendition of Children Will Listen. I am so proud. Thank you to Jordyn, Margherita, Dara, Mia, Shira, and Bonolo for their practice, courage, and genuine

Basketball Scholarships

The 2019-2020 women’s basketball season has been one of best ever in Canadian history! This week Grade 11 student’s Latasha Lattimore and Shayeann Day-Wilson committed to Syracuse University.  They will both become members of the “Orange” in 2021.  We would like to congratulate them on this amazing accomplishment. This brings the total to 7 scholarship

PA News: Donation to North York Food Bank

Pizza Lunch Donates to the North York Food Bank Hello everyone, I hope that you and your families are staying safe and healthy in these uncertain times. As a result of the school closure and the cancellation of the 2 remaining pizza lunches for the year due to the COVID-19 outbreak, it has been decided

Beach Parfaits!

On Thursday May 21, students from 4D and 4E put on their chef hats for cooking with Ms Maurer!  To embrace the beautiful weather, students prepared Beach Parfaits.  Students made the parfaits using pudding and crushed graham crackers (to represent sand). Fun ingredients were added, such as rainbow candy for a beach towel, life savers for