A Message from CPC’s School Nurse

To the Crestwood Community, Hello, my name is Ana Bacopulos and I’m the School Nurse at Crestwood Preparatory College. I am very excited to be joining the Crestwood Community and I hope I can provide much needed support during these difficult times. If anyone has any questions or concerns, please do not hesitate to contact


  Dear Parents, It was another wonderful week filled with learning, playing and personal growth. We thank you for sending your child(ren) dressed appropriately for the weather. Students managed well outside through some wet weather this week, and we were rewarded with a stunning Friday to end our week.  It was great to see all

Class of 2020 Awards Presentation

Since June 2020 we have been hoping that the restrictions on social gatherings would be eased to the point that we could all gather as a community, either indoors or outdoors, to celebrate the accomplishments of  Crestwood Preparatory College’s Class of 2020.  Unfortunately, rather than the restrictions easing they have again been tightened, and the number of people allowed

CPCs Academic Awards Ceremony

On Thursday, October 22nd, 2020 we celebrated the academic accomplishments of the students for the  2019-20 school year based on their overall average on the June 2020 Final Report Card. Awards were presented to all those who achieved Honour Roll (overall average of 80% -89%) and Honour Roll with Distinction (90% plus) along with the

Annual Food Drive

Next week, from October 26-30, Crestwood will be having its annual food drive to benefit the North York Harvest Food Bank.  We have partnered with this organization for the past eight years to help support its mission to create food spaces and reduce food insecurity in our community. This year, the mission of the food

Book Fair Blitz

  This year our book fair will be virtual and will take place from November 14 to 21.  Every year the Crestwood book fair is a huge success.  Last year we sold over $14,000 worth of books!  Hopefully we can reach or surpass that goal this year.  We have decided to use Ella Minnow Children’s Bookstore

Terry Fox Totals

A big thank you to our Crestwood Community for raising a total of $7664.00 for the Terry Fox Foundation this school year. We surpassed our previous contribution by $2000.00. Your kindness and support truly makes a difference.  –Sherri Brenzel

PA Zoom Meeting – October 22nd

RE:  PA Zoom Meeting – October 22nd   Please join us on Thursday, October 22 at 9:30 for the first Parents’ Association meeting of the 2020/2021 school year. Connect with parents of the Crestwood community and get updates on plans and possibilities for this unusual time. Join Zoom Meeting: https://zoom.us/j/4203676310 Meeting ID: 420 367 6310

Empathy Month at CPC

October is Empathy Month here at Crestwood.  The word “empathy” means to understand the way that someone else is feeling.  Over the remainder of the month, students will be presented with empathy-related “thoughts of the day”, quotations and ways to get them away from just thinking about themselves and really engaging with other people in

Advice from CPC’s Nurse Ana

Happy Thanksgiving to everyone and I wish you all the best this long weekend. This is just a friendly reminder to be mindful of social gatherings on the weekend. We are all seeing the daily increase in COVID-19 cases in Ontario and not following the guidelines could highly impact these numbers moving forward. Please remember


  Dear Parents, Happy Thanksgiving! We are especially thankful this year that we have had such a safe and successful transition back to school. As many classes have been discussing and writing about what we are thankful for, it has been so lovely to see many of the students writing about feeling grateful to be

Crestwood Cares

  At Crestwood School, community service remains a constant, no matter what the circumstances. For years, we have donated our proceeds from our Toonie Tuesday initiative to the Kensington School Community, to support their breakfast program. This time, under Ms. Eisens’ suggestion, Crestwood School donated 75 desk shields to our sister school, to help them stay safe

Grade 7-8 Vaccinations

Toronto Public Health has advised immunizations to be completed at community clinics or your family doctor after cancelling the immunization school program. Many clinics are operating virtually or simply not administering vaccinations. Here are a few clinics within the community that will administer the vaccinations: Cassandra Clinic [2048 Victoria Park Ave] Nymark Medical Centre [4839 Leslie