Health & Wellness Group (Edsby)

We know that the non-stop news coverage and social media posts, combined with social distancing, can cause feelings of uncertainty and anxiety. This second lock down may separate us from friends, family and other support systems, and our self-care routines have no doubt already been disrupted. It’s in times like these that we recognize the

Peer Tutoring Available

Is your son/daughter having trouble with a particular subject(s)?  If so then Peer Tutoring could be a great option for your child.  We have carefully selected several grade 9-12 students with proficient academics to provide this service.  Tutoring is available to students in all grades from 7-12.  Sessions will take place over Zoom to adhere to

Report Cards and Parent Conferences

Midterm Report Cards have been completed and mailed out and you should be receiving them by the end of next week.  Information regarding the Parent-Teacher conferences, that will take place by Zoom on January 28th and 29st, 2021, is included with the reports. All bookings will take place through Edsby ( using the same process that was

Extended Online Learning for Our Grade Sevens and Eights

Dear Parents and Guardians of Crestwood Preparatory College, I hope this communication finds you all well. I received important news today that I need to share with you. In response to severe increases in Covid infections, the Ontario Government has extended the online learning for elementary students (which includes our own Grade Seven and Eight

Private School Tax Seminar

Dear Crestwood Parents, Private School tuition payments represent a significant investment. The School, through CIBC will be offering a workshop on efficient tax strategies related to tuition payments on Wednesday, January 13th, 2021 at 7:00PM. Please click here to attend this virtual workshop. Please be advised that this seminar is offered only as a public service to


  Dear Parents, We can’t believe we are writing to you on the last day of Term 1, 2020! We are so proud of the progress our students have made and are so thankful to the teachers for the tremendous job they have done during this unprecedented time.  We are so grateful to have made

TSN Features 2 of Crestwood’s Athletes Elijah Fisher (’23) and former student Aaliyah Edwards (’20)

Crestwood’s Elijah Fisher is one of the top ranked 2023 basketball players in North America.   He is continuing to make history as a Canadian Basketball phenomenon.  Elijah has been with Crestwood since grade 7 and is currently in his Grade 11 year.  He continues to dominate the Canadian and US basketball circuit wherever he plays.  TSN

Crestword V11.1

We are very excited to share our latest issue of the Crestword Newspaper with you! Read on to meet our new editors, read about the topics and issues that matter most to our writers, and enjoy some original, new art from CPC students. On behalf of the entire Crestword team, we wish you a safe and

Snow Day Policy and Attendance

It’s that time of year again. Parents and students need to be informed about school policy regarding days that either do, or seem to get, an inordinate amount of snow. When snowfall is significant, and we think it would be too much for kids to travel to school, we will put an announcement on our