Flipgrid Consent

  Dear Parent or Guardian: We are always looking for new and creative ways to engage our students and enhance their experiences so for some of our online activities we’ll be working with an exciting new tool…Flipgrid. Flipgrid is the leading video discussion platform used by tens of millions of PreK to PhD educators, students,

Snowman Stories in 1A

  The Grade One students have been learning about the different seasons. This week, they focused on winter. For one activity the students used a legend/key to create a snowman reflecting how they feel about winter related topics. They will be using their uniquely designed snowmen to write their very own snowman adventures. Stay tuned for some

Turning Up the Heat in 1B

  With winter truly arriving this week, the Grade Ones entered the Zoom Science Lab and built their own thermometers. With a plastic bottle, straw, plasticine, water, and food colouring they went to work. They explored the concept of expansion and contraction and completed a science report recording their materials, procedure, and observations. Way to

Rock n’ Roll Jam Session

  The JKs and SKA went on the road with Jimmy Fallon and the Roots! But not before we scoured our homes for found objects, like toasters, boots, and umbrella’s to make music with! It was a ‘for real rock ’n roll jam’ when we played Under Pressure by Queen & David Bowie! and we

Course Selection Webinar

Course Selection Webinar Thank you to all families who attended the Course Selection Webinar. The Guidance and University Counselling department covered important information pertaining to summer school, graduation requirements, course selection and post-secondary pathways. The virtual presentation is now available on-demand on Crestwood’s YouTube channel.   In-Class Presentations The Guidance department will be completing grade-specific,

Canadian Senior Math Contest

In November, members of the Problem Solving Club participated in the Canadian Senior Math Contest.  This contest, run by the University of Waterloo, gives students the opportunity to have fun and to develop their mathematical problem-solving ability.  The following students achieved a certificate of distinction for ranking in the top 25% of contestants: Alex Chen

Winners of the Grade 10 Intragrade Debate Championships

Last Friday, CPC completed the Grade 10 Intragrade Debate finals. It was the first year where the debate tournament had taken place entirely over zoom! I think our students adapted impressively to the challenge. Here were the final results: Champions: Adam Pearlman Simran Anand Runners-up: Jaycelyen Nei Jievan Tapanja Also I would like to extend a huge


  Dear Parents, As we bring week 3 of remote learning to a close, we hope everyone has some successes and joyous moments to share. While it can feel stressful and overwhelming to get through these weeks, remember to stay positive, and focus on the good things that happened. Wrapping up the week with our

Magic School Bus

  On Friday, January 22nd 4B hopped on a virtual school bus and ‘travelled’ to The Ontario Science Centre for a virtual field trip. We participated in a program on light and sound. Through experiments, demonstrations and conversations we learned about how people and animals use light and sound every day. Did you know that

Academic Adjustment to Timetable

Dear Crestwood Preparatory College Family and Friends: We have all been obliged to alter courses frequently in the last year. Current circumstances require some redirection in our academic journey.  Had we known we would be teaching online to this extent when we returned from the break, we would not have continued our two-course a day

Ontario Government Stay at Home Order

Dear Crestwood Preparatory College Community, I hope this communication finds you all well. In an ongoing attempt to manage an ever-increasing Covid crisis, the Ontario government has issued new orders and restrictions.  As usual, these include new rules involving school attendance. Kids in Toronto will not be attending schools in person until at least February

CPC School Nurse

To the CPC community: The stress surrounding each and every one of us is at an all time high as a result of the pandemic. I’d like to remind everyone in the Crestwood Community to be mindful of our mental health and use outreach programs when needed. Remember to take time for yourself each day