CPC Report Cards

Report Cards were completed and put in the mail this week.  Please keep an eye on your mail for the reports. However, with Good Friday and Easter Monday, their arrival may be delayed by Canada Post.

CPC Oral History Project – Digger Gorman

“Digger” Gorman served in the Canadian Navy during the Second World War.  Originally from New Brunswick, the future geology student – that’s where the name “Digger” came from – Digger was deep in his studies when the war approached.  As a science/engineering student, Digger’s enlistment was originally deferred, but like many in his generation, he

CPC Spirit Week 2021

Although this may not have been a typical spirit week for Crestwood we didn’t let a pandemic keep us down.  This was an amazing week filled with theme days, virtual challenges and in person challenges. We kicked off the Monday of Spirit Week in our PJs and eating Krispy Kreme donuts.  With $250 in proceeds

Messages of Joy!

  The Seniors Wish Foundation is asking for our help to bring some light and love to the seniors living at Belmont House. This organization works to build a connection between students and seniors and has been partnering with various private schools in the city to facilitate art workshops. At this time, they are unable

Trust me…I’m an Engineer

  5E had a visit from a real engineer this week, Mrs. Kanfi’s husband. Yoni Kanfi is a former Crestwood student who is also a civil engineer. Yoni spoke to the grade 5’s about his job and answered their questions relating to their “Forces on Structures” unit. It was great for the students to hear

CPC Oral History Project – Margaret Newman

March 19, 1944 marked a turning point in Hungary’s wartime history; it was the day that Nazi Germany began a direct military occupation of its onetime ally, Hungary. Life for Hungarian Jews, which had been deteriorating under the previous regime, took a dramatic turn for the worse as discriminatory laws gave way to ghettos and


Skin Colour Is Never A Crime, But Racism Is These days, we keep seeing disappointing news reports about violent events that happened in North America because of racism against Asians. Crestwood Preparatory College disagrees with any racial hatred and commits to ethnic equality at all levels. Here we want to appeal to every Crestwood student

Anti-Asian Racism

The Crestwood community grieves the senseless loss of eight lives in Atlanta, Georgia, six of whom were women of Asian descent. Our heart goes out to all the victims and their families. This heinous crime represents only one instance amidst a surge of Anti-Asian violence since the beginning of the pandemic, which disproportionately affects women.

Cheers to Friends!

  Top of the mornin’ to Crestwood School from SKB! The wee laddies and lassies had a fun filled St Patrick’s Day!  We enjoyed lucky charms, a leprechaun hunt, and a pot of gold at the end of the rainbow!  Everything was green in our classroom. Green shamrocks, green glitter, green food colouring, green grapes,


  Dear Parents, The second week of March has certainly been a wonderful one! The weather was on our side bringing us warm, spring-like temperatures which certainly lifted our spirits. We have some wonderful news to report …..  All the students and staff that have been tested thus far are NEGATIVE! That means that all

Summer School

Crestwood Preparatory College is pleased to offer a number of Ontario high school credit courses. Courses are designed to provide students with an exceptional academic experience in the early summer. This schedule allows course completion by mid-July allowing students time during their summer months to work, attend camp, or a vacation with family. CPC’s School’s

“Take A Break” Care Packages

As we move into a long weekend we want to remind all students to take a break to care for their mental health and wellbeing! Over the past week members of Crestwood Cares and the Jr. Prefects have been distributing “You Deserve a Break” bags to students every morning. The bag included snacks and activities

American Math Contest

Please wish Sophia Gu and Shaan Lin good luck today as they write the American Invitational Mathematics Exam!  They qualified for this exam by placing in the top 5% of participants on the American Math Contest last month.