New Family FAQ

What is the CSPA & a CSPA meeting?

Crestwood School Parents Association is a group of volunteer parents that help run different school initiatives. Fundraisers, welcome back BBQ, pizza lunch etc.

All parents are welcome to join and volunteer as much or as little as they have time for.

CSPA meetings are held once a month on a Tuesday morning in the library at 9am. The schedule is on the school calendar.

House Colour Day

There are 6 houses that Crestwood students are divided into. On house colour days, students wear their house t-shirt and any pants they want.  Kids receive points for their house if they are wearing their house colour shirt. House colour day is generally held every other Friday.

Welcome Back BBQ

This is hosted by the CSPA and is open to all students and parents. Please join us at 5:30 for food, schmoozing and fun!

Curriculum Night

Please join your child’s homeroom teacher (parents only) in the evening to hear about what your child will be learning this year and to meet other parents from your child’s class.

Terry Fox Run

Parents are welcome to join their child for the run or come and cheer them on. The run typically starts in the late afternoon around 2:30 pm and is held on Glendon field.

Pizza Lunch

Pizza lunch is a CSPA fundraiser. Parents sign their child up for pizza lunch for the year. Pizza lunch is held on Toonie Tuesdays.

Toonie Tuesday

Once a month, kids can wear grub clothes (their regular clothes) to school. The CSPA asks children to bring $2 (a toonie) which will be donated to charity. Last year this money was used to provide breakfast for students at underprivileged schools.

Book Fair

This CSPA fundraiser is held at the end of October. Parents are welcome to join their child/children’s class or come before or after school. Volunteers are needed to help run this event.

Parent Teacher Interviews

There are no classes this day. Information for online interview bookings times will be sent out a few weeks before the interview date.

Grade Musicals

Children from grades 1-3 will perform in grade plays. Dates are in the school calendar. Typically plays are held in the gym around 2 pm.

Holiday Concert & Spring Concert

Children in grades 4-6 will perform instrumental music in the holiday and spring concert. Students in grade 1-6 who are in choir will also perform. These events are held at Toronto Centre for the Arts in the evening.

Skating for Junior Division (Grades 4-6)

On the last day of term (before winter break and March break), students in grades 4-6 will have the opportunity to skate at York Mills arena. Students are bussed back and forth to Crestwood.

Primary Skating

Students in JK-Grade 3 have skating on Thursday afternoons during winter term. Each grade is assigned a time and parents are welcome to come to help tie up skates and watch the kids during their lesson.

Grade 4-6 Ski Day

Students in grades 4-6 have the option to participate in a ski day. Students of all ski levels travel by bus to a ski hill and spend the day skiing. Students who do not wish to participate will have alternate programming at school.

Grade 4-6 Speech Finals

Each child in grades 4-6 will participate in speech day within their class. Finalists from each class will participate in speech finals.

Winter Carnival

The winter carnival is held during the day for primary students on the last day of second term.Earth Week

During Earth Week, children learn about various environmental issues. Each day, students will be assigned a colour to wear.

Curriculum Share & Art Show

Parents are invited to their children’s classrooms (with their children). Children will show their parents what they have been working on and ask their parents to participate in a few activities. The Art Show will also be held this evening. All students will have their artwork on display.

Grade 4-6 Annual Musical

Students in grades 4-6 have the option to participate in the school musical. Students work hard for several months and perform an amazing show! The musical is typically held at Ryerson Theatre.

Grade 6 trip

Students in Grade 6 participate in a Graduation Trip with their teachers and classmates.

Jump Rope for Heart/ Sports Day

Students fundraise for jump rope for heart and participate in a variety of sports activities on Sports Day.

Family Fun Day

The CSPA hosts Family Fun Day. This is an end of year party with lots of inflatable rides, great food, a raffle and silent auction. Volunteers needed!  It is a wonderful way to celebrate the end of the year!

The CSPA Executive Team

Contact us at