Intra-Grade Debate

The Grade 11 Intra-grade debate final was held on Thursday of this week in Mr. De Franco’s room. Representing government were Kristina Tzortsis and Bang Xiao who pitted their wits against the opposition of Maddie Elmann and Sydney Steimann.
The resolution revolved around the question of whether or not people should have the ability to read one another’s minds. The topic leant itself to a good deal of creativity and thoughtfulness as the two sides battled to score points. But in the end the team of Maddie and Sydney prevailed, as the two grade 12 judges, Sydney Swartz and Megan Kates ruled in the opposition’s favor.
Mr. De Franco would like to thank all debaters and judges and attendees, including those who participated in the semi-final rounds, and he looks forward to doing it all again next year!