Guidance News

It’s a busy week for news from Guidance! The Ontario University Fair, university representatives at Crestwood, and Grade 12 visits from Ms. Hann and Mr. Mitz, are all happening this week! Read on to find out more.

Saturday September 26th & Sunday September 27th:

Ontario Universities Fair

When: 10am-5pm

Where: Toronto Metro Convention Centre

What: An opportunity to visit Ontario university exhibits and ask questions directly to representatives. This is a FREE event! Visit their website at for full details.

Post-Secondary Planning Information Night for Parents

The guidance team invites all interested Grade 11 and 12 parents to attend the Post-Secondary Planning Information Night for Parents this Thursday October 2nd at 7pm in the Learning Commons Centre.  Ms. Hann and Mr. Mitz will review the application process and address how parents can best assist their children at home.  This year we are also pleased to announce that Mr. John Williams has agreed to once again join us to speak on the topic of Transitioning to University: Skills of the Successful Student.

University Representatives at Crestwood this week:

Monday September 28th – Laurentian University

Tueday September 29th – Huron University College @ Western

Wednesday September 30th – York University

Thursday October 1st – Queen’s University

Grade 12 Visits

On Tuesday September 29th, Ms. Hann and Mr. Mitz will be visiting all grade 12 English classes to discuss the postsecondary application process and the importance of early research. Students are encouraged to begin their research at-home with their parents. Individual appointments will also be made with each grade 12 student, starting next week; this will provide an opportunity for guidance counselors to speak to students about individual interests and to assist planning as necessary.

If you have any questions or concerns about post-secondary planning, please contact the guidance department:

Jenn Hann, ext. 29,

Jeff Mitz, ext. 38,