Grade 5 and 6 Visit

Yesterday morning, over 100 Grade 5 and 6 students joined us at Crestwood Preparatory College. It was a wonderful morning, filled with inquiry, teamwork, and fun, as students got to experience what it’s like at CPC.

The Grade 5s and 6s joined us for our biweekly Town Hall Meeting in the gymnasium. They were greeted by our Student Government, who shared announcements, as well as a representative from the Terry Fox Foundation who presented us with a banner for our participation. We even ran a Teacher vs. Student basketball challenge. The students were then dismissed to attend their two classes of the day—physical education and science!

The Phys. Ed. class was exciting! The Grade 5s and 6s were able to learn alongside some of the older students, as they took part in team building activities and relays. It was great to see students of many different ages working so well together!

In science class, students made “ooey gooey slime” in a hands-on experiment. After discussing the lab safety rules, students began to mix together a mysterious white liquid (glue) and a super dangerous chemical (borax solution) to create a new, slimy material. What a fun class!

The day ended with a delicious lunch from our cafeteria, before the students returned to the Lower School. We had a great day, and we can only say it went by too fast! Luckily, there are more upcoming opportunities for Grade 5 and 6 students (and their parents) to visit us again.

November 5th (7-9pm): Open House

November 26th (5pm): Grade 5 and 6 Informational Meeting at the Upper School

For a Personal Tours please contact: Assistant Head of School Dave Hecock (

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