Fall Athletic Tryouts

Athletic tryouts have now wrapped up for the fall season and teams are ready to begin training for upcoming games.  Within the next 2 to 3 days you son/daughter will have an Edsby group for their team.  All games and practices will be posted on the calendar in Edsby.  You can also find game sports calendars on the Crestwood school website under the upper school sports calendar.

If your son / daughter has made a fall team they will be coming home with a permission form that outlines the expectations, schedule, fees and concussion testing.  There is an athletic fee that is paid once per year (not per sport).  The fee is $175 which includes concussion testing, a ticket for the year end athletic banquet, and helps offset some of the transportation costs of travelling to and from games.
Athletes are also asked to purchase the athletic tracksuit, the cost of the tracksuit is $130.  The tracksuit is to be worn to all games over their uniforms.  Uniforms will be handed out before the teams first game of the season, and players will be responsible for keeping their uniforms throughout the season and then returning them at the end of the season.
Every athlete will also be required to have a baseline concussion test done.  This test will be done within the school day on Thursday Sept. 19th and Friday Sept. 20th.  The test will be administered by the Honsberg Physio clinic and takes approximately 15 minutes to complete.
Finally we encourage and always welcome parents to come out and cheer on our teams!!!
If you have any questions about the athletic program at Crestwood please contact Lisa Newton at lisa.newton@ohp.crestwood.on.ca.  If you have specific questions about your son/daughters team please contact the coach directly via email.