CSPA meeting Tuesday, October 10th at 9AM in the Library. All parents welcome. Ellen Schwartz from Project Giveback has kindly accepted an invitation to join us so that she can inform our parents about the work she does with our grade 4 students. We will also be able to view a recent video that Ellen made of last year’s grade 4 students and their presentations.
Thank you for your contributions to our food drive. It was a great success and ultimately our contributions will help many families in need.
Due to the congestion in the parking lot before and after school, please be reminded that parents may not park in teachers’ parking spots in order to drop off or pick up their children. The safety of your children is of paramount importance!
Coming this month……. It’s the Great Pumpkin, Charlie Brown! Pumpkins, pumpkins and more pumpkins will be arriving at Crestwood School. Help support the Crestwood School Parents’ Association by purchasing your pumpkins at Crestwood. More info to follow next week.
We are still taking on gently used uniform items. Sale October 17th – 19th is fast approaching.
Thank you to all that participated in the Pink Shoelace fundraiser. Together we raised $400 towards Multiple Myeloma