CSPA Meeting on Tuesday


Hello Crestwood Parents!

The Crestwood School Parents’ Association will be hosting our first CSPA General Meeting! The meeting will be on November 10th at 10am via Zoom.

We hope this later time will enable everyone to make it to a computer after the morning rush and settle in with a coffee. Hopefully this will also allow more parents to join, who otherwise are tied up at the office, and keep us all socially distant.

The link for the ZOOM meeting is: https://zoom.us/j/8118973842

All parents are welcome, but we are especially inviting all of our many new families to join us at this meeting. We would love the opportunity to formally welcome you to the school and introduce you to the CSPA!

We hope to have a Q&A session if time allows. Questions can be submitted in advance to cspa@ohp.crestwood.on.ca and if possible we will attempt to also open up the floor to line questions.

Click here for a copy of the meeting agenda.

Looking forward to November 10th at 10am!

-Your CSPA Executive