Crestwood Clubs Term 2

Dear Parents/Students

Please click here to see school clubs for Term 2. Please take the time to consider the extra-curricular clubs offered for Term 2. We hope that you will read the descriptions carefully and decide to join one or more of the exciting program we have planned for you.

The enclosed descriptions include dates and times, and we ask you to read them carefully before making your choices, as there are new options available this year. Most clubs have limited enrolment, so replies will be dealt with on a first come, first served basis. Should there be sufficient enrolment in any given club, that club will not be offered.

Registration forms for Term 2 extra-curricular clubs will be due back no later than December 18th, 2014. We will inform you of your child’s club placement on December 18th, 2014.

Please feel free to email directly with your club choice or print off Club Registration sheet and hand into the office in the new year.