On Thursday, May 14, Crestwood’s student government hosted “Crestfest 2015,” this year’s version of the annual Spring Carnival.
The afternoon started with an exciting spirit assembly in the gymnasium. Highlights included Mr. Johnstone’s landslide win in the ‘extreme teacher makeover’ event, and Lex Geng’s stirring portrayal of the immortal one, Hulk Hogan.
Following the spirit assembly, students made their way to the back field, where they were treated to a barbeque and a wide selection of carnival games and events, including a giant slide, inflatable obstacle course, baseball throwing station, and a fortune teller. Students also had an opportunity to ‘get even’ with their teachers in the dunk tank! The weather was perfect, and the event proved to be a big success!
Thank you to the member of student government for hosting this exciting event, as well as to the members of staff who all helped out. It was a great way to start off the long weekend.