Last weekend Scott Masters was awarded Alpha Education’s “Catalyst for Change” Teaching Award. Alpha Education is an organization that seeks to raise awareness about the Pacific Theatre of World War Two, in an effort to promote social justice in the region. In the summer of 2017, Mr. Masters won a grant and was able to participate in the Peace and Reconciliation Tour, and he was able to visit Japan, China and South Korea, interviewing many survivors about their experiences in the war. Many Crestwood students, notably David Huang, Arielle Meyer, Yoshie Ishikawa and Yuka Fan, helped with translation of those interviews, all of which were incorporated into Crestwood’s Oral History Project webpage. An example of David Huang’s excellent work can be found here – ohp/fang-cai-pei/. All four of those students were able to attend the banquet, including Crestwood alumni David and Arielle, while Mrs. Newton attended on behalf of the administration.