CPC’s Annual Remembrance Day Commemoration

Like Canadians from coast-to-coast, Crestwood observed Remembrance Day this past Wednesday.  It is a time when we come together as a community to remember the sacrifices that previous generations have made in building this country.  This year, we adapted and held our ceremony virtually, and it was shown as a film to teachers and students, both at school and at home.  If you missed and would like to see it, this is the link – https://ohp.crestwood.on.ca/ohp/remembrance-day/.

Some students were able to participate in zoom sessions with World War Two veterans as well.  Several veterans reside at the Sunnybrook Veterans’ Wing in Toronto, while others we spoke to live in British Columbia.  Mr. Gordon Quan’s interview can now be found in the Oral History Project webpage at https://ohp.crestwood.on.ca/ohp/quan-gordon/.