The Art program at Crestwood School has yet again had the privilege of welcoming the world renowned engineer and model maker, Valeri Ivanov. His unique collection of scale working models based on the historical sketches of Renaissance engineers as well as his own inventions have been a part of some of the largest science museums
Category: Scientists in the School
Gr.3 Force, Of Course
On Tuesday the Grade 3 students investigated the impact of friction, gravity and magnetic force through a FORCE, OF COURSE workshop presented by Scientists in the Schools. We learned about natural forces like the eruptions of volcanoes and how the vortex of a tornado can uproot trees. We used catapults to measure the impact of forces
Gr.1 Exploring Energy
On Wednesday the Grade One classes had their first visit from the Scientists in the Classroom. This first visit concentrated on the subject of Energy where they spent the day exploring the impact that energy has on our daily lives! It was an information filled day with many experiments: – they investigated thermal energy by
Grade 5 Force, of Course!
Grade 5 participated in Scientists in Schools, and learned all about Forces. They built a human bridge, learned about centre of gravity, and completed a structures challenge where they balanced 26 textbooks on a structure made completely of newspapers.