Fun Fair Volunteers Needed!

Once again, the Parents’ association is holding the annual Fun Fair on June 9th, 2015. It is always a fantastic event that everyone looks forward to at the end of the year. In order to run it properly, we urgently require dedicated volunteers to help supervise the inflatable games for 45 minute periods, starting at

Nicola’s Kids Triathlon

The Nicola’s Kids Triathlon is a fun event for kids 3-14 years old. It emphasizes completion not competition. You can race all three segments on your own or form a relay with friends. All for fun and a good cause. The Nicola’s Cup is awarded to the school/group with the most points. When you register,

The FUN Starts Here!

The Family Fun Day Raffle is a fun raising activity to support programs that directly benefit the Crestwood School community, including the Welcome Back BBQ, Family Fun Day, Scientist in the School program, Ipads for the classrooms, and the Winter Carnival. Last year, the raffle raised over $20,000, we are hoping this year we can

CSPA Volunteers Needed

Most positions are covered for the 2015 Crestwood School Parents’ Association but we are looking for volunteers to be in charge of Used Uniform Sale, Garage Sale and Calendars. If you wish to be involved please attend the next CSPA meeting which will take place on April 7, 2015. See positions below. President – Allison Solomon