Used Uniform Sale

The CSPA will be hosting a Used Uniform Sale on October 13th and 14th. More details to follow soon.  Any parents who have gently used uniform items and wish to donate them, please send them in with your child and we will handle the rest. We kindly ask that they be washed prior to donating.

Terry Fox Update!

Congratulations!  Crestwood School is off to a great start with our online fundraising for this year’s Terry Fox School Event! We’re doing an amazing job. Please continue to check out our fundraising link for our school. Donate at: @TerryFoxSchoolRuns #tryliketerry @terryfoxfoundation

Library News

Words cannot express how wonderful it is to have students visiting the library for the first time since March 2020!  I’m happy, the students are happy, and I think even the books are happy!  By now, all the students have visited the library and signed out books.  Please be sure to ask your children about


  Dear Parents, Welcome to the 2021-2022 school year! We are all so excited to welcome your children back into the halls and classrooms of Crestwood School! We trust you all had a restful and healthy summer holiday, and that your children are ready for a fantastic school year! We want to send a BIG

Important Announcements – Please Read

We have a few students at the school that are severely allergic to sesame and will have an anaphylactic reaction. Please DO NOT send any food with sesame products. Next week’s Welcome Back Coffee on Tuesday is cancelled to current Public Health restrictions. Thank you to all parents/guardians for your participation in our daily screening

Terry Fox Run 2021

  Dear Parents: At Crestwood we are proud of the commitment we have made to Community Service in the past. We are beginning the 2021-2022 school year with our annual Terry Fox Walk/Run, which will take place during the day on WEDNESDAY, September 29th , 2021. Students should be in their House t-shirts, Crestwood gym

Budding Artists

  The Grade 2 budding artists have had the opportunity to draw and colour these amazing Water Lilies and Japanese Bridge artworks representing two of Claude Monet’s greatest achievements: his gardens at Giverny and the series of paintings they inspired. In 1883 the artist moved to this country town, near Paris but just across the border of Normandy,


  Dear Parents Needless to say, hearing the news this past week about not being able to return to school for the remainder of the school year was devastating! That being said, we are a strong community and we will continue to put our best effort forward and complete the 2020/2021 strong.    In the Primary

Busy as Beavers

  The Grade Ones have been as “busy as beavers” exploring the animal world. Through reading, writing, art, and discussions they shared what they already knew yet enjoyed learning even more. We have to commend our Grade Ones on completing and presenting their very first research projects!  Way to go, Grade Ones!! Sarah Spiegel & Esther Alter

Comedy Central with SKB

There is nothing better than telling jokes after a successful chicken art lesson!!   Q:  Why did the chicken cross the road? A:  Because CRESTWOOD SCHOOL was on the other side!   Q:  Why did the chicken cross the Crestwood playground? A:  To get to the other slide!   Q:  Why did the chicken join the Crestwood band? A: 

The Beautiful Butterfly

  The JK’s are learning all about the Life Cycle of the Butterfly! They started as little tiny caterpillar’s Then they grew and they grew Now they are cozy inside their Chrysalises in their special Butterfly house We can’t wait to see what happens next!   RIP Eric Carle Melodie Young & Ros Sandler    


  Dear Parents, What a strange weather week it has been! From hot summer weather to November slushy rain – we’ve seen it all this week! We hope you have all found some time this week to get outside and get active. Thanks again for your support of our Jump Rope for Heart fundraiser. We

1st Grade Structure Strength

  Grade 1 participated in a fun, hands-on science workshop all about Structures, Materials and More. They followed an engineer’s journey from materials to structure. Next, they explored a variety of materials to understand their qualities. Then, through trial and observation, they tested for structural effectiveness. As well, they learned about attaching items together with a