We Stand With Ukraine

  Dear Parents, We are initiating 2 separate donation drives to support Ukraine. Anya Romanenko and her family have started an initiative called “Kids Create Ukraine – a family and friends initiative bringing creativity and joy to the children of Ukraine”. The idea behind this initiative: “We chose art to offer a glimpse of play

Mask Mandate Extended

  Dear Parents, After much consideration, given the fact that some staff and students that have tested positive for COVID-19 this week, we have decided to extend the mask mandate until Tuesday, April 19th (the day after Easter Monday). We will re-evaluate the situation then. Thank you in advance for your understanding. Yours truly, Dalia Eisen

Return to Inter-School Sport Plan 2021-2022

CISAA schools, their student athletes, parents, and coaches are eagerly anticipating the return to school sport in the spring term. We will continue to support the wellbeing of students, adults, and school communities through physical activity. The resumption of inter-school sport will adhere to guidelines provided by national and provincial sport associations, the Ontario Ministries

Crestwood’s Grade 5 Classes Pioneer iheart Programme in Canada

  Crestwood’s Grade 5 students have just completed the second week of a course called Innate Health Education and Resilience Training, (iheart).  This course was developed in the United Kingdom to educate children about their innate resilience, with notable success.  98% of children who have taken the course have noticed positive changes in themselves at

Great News!

  The Ministry of Education has provided an update regarding their health, safety, and operational guidance for schools. This is great news for our students that are in grade 3-6 that are eager to return to intramural sports safely. Games/practices will take place either during morning recess 8:15am-8:55am and/or during afternoon lunchtime recess 12:30-1:00pm. If

Family Literacy Day

  In case you missed it on Family Literacy Day, Barbara Reid did a free virtual demonstration on how to create a picture from clay.  Here’s the link so that you view it at a convenient time:     In order to participate, you’ll need colourful clay, a sharp pencil or a toothpick and a paper plate.  Have fun!! Lara

Holocaust Remembrance Day

  Yesterday, in honour of Holocaust Remembrance Day, the Grade Sixes were fortunate enough to hear from Kathy Kacer, Carol Matas, and Eric Walters, three very talented authors who have dedicated their careers to educating others about the Holocaust through books and making sure that the tragic history is not forgotten. January 27th is a

Let’s Talk About Mental Illness

  January 26 was Bell Let’s Talk Day. Now in its 12th year, Bell Let’s Talk Day hopes to raise both awareness and money for mental health, with the goal of eliminating the stigma around mental illness, supporting organizations across Canada to help improve mental health care access, and funding research that could one day offer promising treatments. On