Harbourfront Fun

On Thursday, the Grade Ones had their annual trip to the Harbourfront Centre. In the morning, the children learned about the first books ever used before making their own. Everyone was given very delicate Japanese paper to fold into accordion books. Following that they designed a special cover before assembling their books. We are sure

Stellar Science Olympians

  Last Saturday morning, nine students from Crestwood competed in the Crescent Science Olympics.  They were involved with intense competitions involving bridges, forensics, airplanes, the human body, microscopes, electricity, separating mixtures, and lasers. We’d like to extend big congratulations to Brody, Noah, and Daniel in grade 4, Riya, Farnood, and Liam in grade 5, and Molly, Raymond, and

Uniform Event Huge Success!

On behalf of the Crestwood School Parents’ Association, we would like to thank you for volunteering and participating in the Used Uniform Sale. Our event was a huge success!!  We raised $3500.00 last week and $4000.00 during our fall sale, amassing a grand total of $7500.00 for 2016-17 year. Volunteers play an integral role in

The Living City at Brickworks

The Grade 3’s visited the natural community at Evergreen Brickworks last week.​ We learned that all living things, including plants,​ need food, water, shelter, and space and how the interaction of elements in a strong human community represents a healthy ecosystem. The Living City introduced students to Toronto’s surprising abundance of living things—fox, deer, coyote, rabbit,

Do your athletes know what to eat on competition day?

It goes without saying that fuelling for a competition is incredibly important to an athlete’s success. We’ve prepared a list of food to help optimize their performance. The pre-event meal must be high in carbohydrate (65-70% of total calories consumed). Fat and protein, which take longer to digest, should be consumed in smaller amounts. Breakfast

“Orphans” Black, Check it Out!

Check out Crestwood’s own Cody Black in this unsettling drama from English playwright Dennis Kelly (co-writer Matilda the Musical), ORPHANS, which premiered at the Traverse Theatre Edinburgh in 2009, is a gritty urban tale that questions morality, loyalty, and family while trying to keep quiet the violence and evil that lurks inside everyone. http://www.theglobeandmail.com/arts/the-hottest-tickets-in-town-five-things-to-do-in-toronto/article34691045/    

Award-Winning Author/Illustrator Barbara Reid

On Thursday, award-winning author/illustrator Barbara Reid visited with the JK-Grade 2 classes. The children were incredibly excited to meet Barbara and learn about how she creates her incredible plasticine illustrations.  We learned that she often gets her inspiration from nature while out on walks with her dog, Ruby, who appears in many of her stories. 

1st Class Engineers

Today Class 1A and 1B magically turned into engineers when they participated in a Structures workshop. Once they learned what a “structure” is, they participated in 5 different centers. From building, to fastening, supporting, classifying different materials, and learning about foundations and frameworks, they did it all!! Thank you so much to all the moms,

Choir Catch Up

Choir is underway for the final term! The Junior Choir will start up again on Tuesday and the Primary Choir will begin on Wednesday, April 5th.  The Primary Choir will be practising every Wednesday at 12:50pm leading up to the Spring Concert on June 1st.  Any students in grades 1, 2 and 3 are welcome to come and sing.  See you there! -Ms.