Book Swap

Attention all grade 4, 5, and 6 families.  We will be having a “Book Swap” on Monday, November 27.  Please bring in any books that you would like to donate.  If you donate books, you get to take books!  For example, if you donate 4 books, you get to take 4 different books.  The more you

P/T Meetings Next Week

Parent/Teacher conferences will take place next week on Thursday, November 23rd. Please consider other parents and do your very best to arrive and end your interviews on time. If you need more time with a particular teacher, arrange a separate meeting time. The smooth running of our event relies on all parents and teachers keeping to the timetable.

Pumpkins for iPads and The Bob Rumball Centre for the Deaf

Please remember that pumpkins are still for sale at the atrium with ALL proceeds going directly to benefit your children. For those of you who have been asking, ALL of the funds generated from the pumpkins are going towards the purchasing of 20 new iPads and other technological enhancements in our children’s classrooms. If you have

X-Country Checkup

Yesterday the cross-country team walked to Crescent School for a friendly meet against Crescent and UCC. The trails were beautifully lined with gorgeous fall colours for our run. Our athletes finished with amazing results. Congratulations to all of our cross-country members for completing a challenging course! The championship run will take place next week. Stay

Getting to know Courtney Kanfi

I am the current 4D teacher at Crestwood School and am excited to be a part of this community. I completed my undergrad at York University, where I studied psychology. After graduating from York University, I moved to South Korea to teach English. It was there that I developed my love of teaching and travel.