Silent Auction Items

  Dear Parents, By now you have probably received the package regarding our 40th Anniversary celebration on Thursday, October 24th. If you would like to donate something to our Silent Auction, below is a list of examples of things that you could donate. Sporting Event tickets Sporting goods, Signed jerseys etc. Concert, movie, theatre tickets

Your Gift Matters To Us

Dear Crestwood School, Thank you for your donation to SickKids. Your gift matters to us, and to patients like Cierra who had two brain surgeries here to remove a brain tumour. Today, she is recovered and gets to be a kid again, playing dress up with her little sister and watching Disney movies. Your recent donation

Global Issues Conference

Last week, an important meeting of the minds took place in the cafeteria. Grade 6 “delegates” represented selected NGOs at our Global Issues Conference. Their informative displays shared NGO mandates and connections to the Universal Declaration of Human Rights and the UN’s Millennium Goals. Each delegate had $100 (in “Crestwood currency”) to donate at the end of

Canadian Pediatric Society Releases Statement on Screen Time

Digital media are integrated into the everyday lives of children and adolescents, with potential benefits and risks for learning, mental and physical health, and for social life. This statement examines the cognitive, psychosocial, and physical effects of digital media on school-aged children and adolescents, with a focus on family routines, context, and activities. Evidence-based guidance

Back in Time

As an extension to our unit on Early Settlers in Upper Canada this term, the Grade 3’s visited Black Creek Pioneer Village on Tuesday, June 4th. The students all came dressed in time period clothing ready to experience life as it was in the 1800’s.  During the day, we participated in a hands-on program.  The workshop

Gr.3 Track Wrap

On Monday, the Grade 3’s had their final Track and Field Meet at Crescent School. We rotated through running and field events as a group.  At our friendly competition our athletes participated in hurdles, relays, and 100 meter dashes. Great fun was had in high jump, triple jumps, javelin, and discus.  Crestwood coaches are very

So You Think You Can Dance?

Dancing – it’s fun to do, it’s entertaining to watch and it’s a great way to exercise. And it’s at its best when done in a group. Crestwood School welcomes dance teacher Niky Johnson this coming week.  Johnson travels throughout the CIS community delivering dance instruction to large and small groups alike. She believes dance is a celebration

Knight to Meet You

The Grade 4’s had a visit from a knight straight from the Middle Ages. He explained the complicated armour that a knight had to wear daily to be worthy of the title of knight. The Grade 4’s loved hearing about epic Medieval battles and the journey from page, to squire, to knighthood. The best part

Back to School – Gr.3-6

Dear Parents/Guardians: Your teachers at Crestwood School are excited to offer the opportunity to purchase your school supplies through School Start for the 2019/2020 school year. This process will save you both time and money. There are a few simple steps to ensure your child will receive standardized brand name products (specified by each teacher).   Your school

Private School Survey

Dear Parents, I invite you to participate in an online survey on private/independent school choice for a chance to win 1 of 3 $200 prizes. This survey is part of an ongoing doctoral project in the Department of Sociology at the University of Toronto.  All information is strictly confidential and anonymous, and the research has been

CSPA Teacher Appreciation Lunch

The Teacher Appreciation Lunch is being hosted Monday, June 3rd.  As per tradition, we are calling on our community to participate in this gesture of appreciation.  Calling all bakers! If you would like to contribute a dessert to this event, please drop off a NUT FREE homemade/store bought item to the front office or Atrium

Planting the Seed

The Grade 3 students had a wonderful time today exploring plants and soil at the Toronto Botanical Gardens. Through fun and interactive learning experiences we looked at how soil decomposes and how important dirt is to the environment. Inside the Children’s Centre we handled worms and explored the organic materials that make up soil. -Mallory

Social Media Expert – Paul Davis

Social Media expert Paul Davis is coming to Crestwood School (hosted by the Crestwood School Parents’ Association) on Tuesday June 4th @9:15am. All parents are welcome. If you are interested in learning more about social media/image sharing/ cyber bullying/ smartphones/ privacy/ digital trails etc. and would like to reserve a spot, please contact by Friday May 31st.

Author Phyllis Bordo to visit JK-2

On Monday, May 13 the JK to Grade 2s are having an author visit with Phyllis Bordo.  Her book, Lilly Esther Conquers the Worries, addresses the issues of anxiety and worrying in children. For more information about the book: If you would like to purchase a copy of the book, please send in $15 with your child.