Last Day Blues

All of the Grade 3’s came together on the last day of school to celebrate with an ice cream party.  There were popsicles, ice cream cones, sundaes, and lots and lots of toppings on our screens.  We read the story Last Day Blues by Julie Danneberg and shared all of things that we will miss about Grade

Grade 6 ZOOMlympics

  The Olympic motto, Faster, Higher, Stronger, motivated and inspired our Grade 6 Olympians during Wednesday morning’s grade-wide Zoom competition.  Divided into ten mixed-class teams, students strived for Faster in the rather comical “How many items of clothing can you put on in two minutes?” contest. (Twelve hats CAN be worn upon one head, it

Mixing with Maurer

  Dear Parents and Students, Thank you to everyone that participated in 4D/E’s Cooking with Ms Maurer this week. A huge thank you to the parents and siblings who joined us too! For our final Cooking with Ms Maurer, participants made delicious pizzas and s’mores for dessert. A great time was had by all of us! It was loads of

The Water Lily Pond

  2A and 2B recently learned all about the famous artist, Claude Monet, about his life and about his incredible paintings. The children enjoyed learning about one of his paintings called ‘The Water Lily Pond’ which was created in 1899. This work is exquisite in its composition of background trees, weeping willows, and the bridge, which underwent

SK Zoomation

  We are so excited to host our annual Senior Kindergarten Graduation Ceremony. It will take place Friday June 19th at 9am in our Zoom Room. Can you guess who this Crestwood Alumni is?  We will give you a hint. She started Crestwood in JK and finished in grade 12 at Crestwood’s Upper School. She