
  Dear Parents, Happy November! What a beautiful start to the month, starting with this unexpected burst of great weather! We started this week in boots and snow pants, and ended with T-shirts and shorts! Another friendly reminder to make sure your child is coming to school dressed for the weather for their recesses and

Happy HOWL-O-WEEN from 3A

Have we got some SPOOK-tacular jokes for the FANG-tastic Crestwood community!  Can you answer these “BOO-tiful” riddles with your families? Why didn’t the skeleton go to the party? He didn’t have any “body” to go with. What’s a ghost’s favourite meal? Spook-ghetti and I-scream! How do you make a witch itch? Take away the “w”.

Celebrating Halloween Safely

  Dear Parents, Toronto Public Health does not recommend hosting or attending in-person gatherings for Halloween this year. For the safety of individuals, it is recommended that in-person celebrations are limited to those with whom individuals live. As well, because of the higher risks for COVID19 in the modified Stage 2, Ontario Chief Medical Officer

Treaties Recognition Week

  In 2016, Ontario passed legislation declaring the first week of November as Treaties Recognition Week. This annual event honours the importance of treaties and helps students and residents of Ontario learn more about treaty rights and relationships. By learning more about our collective treaty rights and obligations, we can create greater understanding and nurture these relationships. Each


  Dear Parents, It was another wonderful week filled with learning, playing and personal growth. We thank you for sending your child(ren) dressed appropriately for the weather. Students managed well outside through some wet weather this week, and we were rewarded with a stunning Friday to end our week.  It was great to see all

Book Fair Blitz

  This year our book fair will be virtual and will take place from November 14 to 21.  Every year the Crestwood book fair is a huge success.  Last year we sold over $14,000 worth of books!  Hopefully we can reach or surpass that goal this year.  We have decided to use Ella Minnow Children’s Bookstore

Terry Fox Totals

A big thank you to our Crestwood Community for raising a total of $7664.00 for the Terry Fox Foundation this school year. We surpassed our previous contribution by $2000.00. Your kindness and support truly makes a difference.  –Sherri Brenzel


  Dear Parents, Happy Thanksgiving! We are especially thankful this year that we have had such a safe and successful transition back to school. As many classes have been discussing and writing about what we are thankful for, it has been so lovely to see many of the students writing about feeling grateful to be

Crestwood Cares

  At Crestwood School, community service remains a constant, no matter what the circumstances. For years, we have donated our proceeds from our Toonie Tuesday initiative to the Kensington School Community, to support their breakfast program. This time, under Ms. Eisens’ suggestion, Crestwood School donated 75 desk shields to our sister school, to help them stay safe

House Challenges

Grades 4A and 4B would like to send out a big thank you to Mr Cooper and our Crestwood House Heads for organizing our first “House Challenge” of the year. We loved the egg race and look forward to more fun and exciting activities in the weeks to come! –Ms Green


  Dear Parents, Happy October! We can’t believe we have made it through the first month of school! We are so proud of the progress students have made in such a short period of time. This week was jam packed with Toonie Tuesday and Pizza lunch, the Terry Fox Run, Orange Shirt Day, our Primary


  Dear Parents, Congratulations to everyone on completing Week 3 of our 2020/2021 school year! It has been so wonderful to watch new friendships forming, see students engaging with new activities both in and out of the classroom, and to top it all off, we’ve had nothing but beautiful weather each day! In the Primary

Lost Library Books

  Hi all Many students still have books from before the March Break.  Hopefully the books were enjoyed over and over again while all of us were stuck at home!  There are hundreds of books still out there.  They are easily recognizable as they have a spine label as well as a Crestwood barcode.  Please have

Toonie Tuesday

  Toonie Tuesday is next week on Tuesday, September 29th. Please be reminded that students are required to contribute a toonie in order to wear casual clothes (non-uniform) on these special days. Homeroom teachers will collect these toonies and all monies will be used to fund our “Crestwood Cares” community service initiatives. Thank you for your