Gr.1 to Chudleigh’s

Last Friday the Grade Ones braved a cold and windy day and set off to Chudleigh’s. Did the weather stop us from having a fabulous time – never! With our wonderful parent volunteers, we jumped on a haystack, tasted apple cider, saw many farm animals, enjoyed our tractor ride through the orchard, picked the juiciest

Roaming the ROM with Gr.5

On Friday, May 22nd the Grade 5 students at Crestwood School travelled to the Royal Ontario Museum. They examined artifacts, were told several legends and myths and were able to inspect mummies. To begin with, I will discuss some artifacts found in Room 6. There were many stations, so you couldn’t get around to all, but

Grade 3 Pioneering

As an extension to our unit on Pioneers this term, the Grade 3’s visited Black Creek Pioneer Village on May 28th appropriately dressed in pioneer clothing! We participated in two hands-on programs.  The first workshop was called Many Hands. We explored the lifestyles of the pioneers by using the tools, methods and recipes, which were commonplace on a

Terrific Times for Grade 4

The Grade 4’s visited Medieval Times on Wednesday. We first explored the front entrance and were granted a tour of their horse stable. We then entered the stadium where we were served a frosty beverage. Then the action got started. We saw horses doing tricks, knights battling for supremacy, other outside kingdoms attacking one another,

Gr.4 Explore ROM

Grade 4 classes spent the day at the Royal Ontario Museum investigating civilizations of the past and their relevance today. The grade 4’s were split into two smaller groups and were led through the exhibits by the ROM’s specialized staff. Highlights included a virtual tour of the inside of a tomb, an actual mummy, hieroglyphics,