Eco Warriors Invade the ROM

For all the hard work done by the Eco Team this year, Crestwood School treated them to a morning at the ROM. The team has been hauling recycling and meeting at lunch times to discuss and plan a greener school all year long. We thought this warranted a reward. On May 1st, Mme. Martin, Ms.

Big Battery Blitz Successful

Crestwood continues to strive in order to raise environmental awareness throughout our school. One of our many initiatives is the battery recycling program. Although we did not win, the 25 Kg of batteries we collected contributed to a whopping total of 5000 Kg of batteries collected as a result of the Earth Rangers’ Battery Blitz. Every bit counts,

Eco Warriors

The Eco Team has been working very hard! After inviting the Earth Rangers to come to the school, the kids took on the responsibility of the Battery Blitz. Alkaline batteries are prone to leaking potassium hydroxide, an agent that can cause respiratory, eye, and skin irritation. Plus, batteries not properly disposed of can be a fire

Battery Blitz

Bonjour Crestwood!! It was so awesome to see the Earth Rangers and the unique animals they brought in to meet us. The Earth Rangers told me how proud they are of Crestwood for joining the battery recycling competition. Remember, we are competing against other Toronto schools to collect the most batteries to be recycled. If

Eco Warriors

The Eco Team never ceases to impress. They continue to haul recycling out to the parking lot on Wednesdays and Fridays, and now they come to Madame Martin’s room every Monday and Tuesday at lunch for meetings. For these dedicated environmentalists, once a week was not enough to discuss important environmental issues and brainstorm on