SAT Changes

Students currently in grade 10 and younger should know that a critical component of the US college application process is about to change in a dramatic way. Starting in the Spring of 2016, the US college entrance exam will take on a whole new format that is aimed at making the test more practical and

Parents Association

Mark your calendars. The countdown is on! The Holiday Bake Sale is Tuesday December 9th and will run before and after school as well as during the lunch hours. Special thanks to Megan and all her volunteers who baked and sold the treats during our very successful Halloween Bake Sale. We raised $380.00 which goes

Swing Into Summer Sealed Bid Silent Auction

Thank you to everyone who participated in the Sealed Bid Silent Auction. All the winners have been contacted. Thanks to everyone’s generosity nearly $1500.00 was raised that will go towards the Swing Into Summer Event that will be held on June 10th, 2015.  Check your report card mailing in January for registration and sponsorship information or visit

Human Rights Symposium

On Tuesday November 25, Crestwood held its 2nd Human Rights and Tolerance Symposium timed to coincide with the United Nations International Day for the Elimination of Violence against Women. 370 students from 16 different high schools attended, listening to 30 speakers on a range of different topics. Students were challenged to think about human rights

Crestwood Gives

The countdown is on!!! Crestwood’s holiday toy and clothing drive: Crestwood Gives! is wrapping up next Friday! This means just one more week to get in your donations for both Toronto Sanctuary and the Kawartha Halliburton Children’s Foundation to help several families in need during the Holiday season. The gift contributions range from household items,

Grade 8 Cell Project

This week, the Grade 8 students have been presenting models of cells (animal or plant) that were designed and assembled using only edible ingredients. Mrs. Lee and Mr. Rachlis have been very impressed with the level of effort and detail put into their creations. Well done and delicious!

Sports Update

Jr. Boys Basketball faced off against Pickering College in the first game of our season. The team got out to a great start and played some tough defense. Thanks greatly to Mehmet Hocaouglu, the boys lead 22-2 after four minutes of play. The team continued to pressure Pickering College throughout the game ending with a

Parent Perspective on CPC

“We moved to the Toronto area in August and our daughter joined Crestwood in September.  As parents, it’s natural to be anxious about how your son or daughter may fit into a new school.  We can’t say enough about how welcoming the Crestwood community is (both staff and students). There has been genuine personal interest in