Guidance News

It’s a busy week for guidance announcements! Read on to hear more about University visits, the US College Expo, and volunteer opportunities! Disc0ver H0spitality Management with Swiss Education Group  The Swiss Education Group is an alliance of Switzerland’s leading hotel management schools. Its seven campuses are nestled across key locations in both French and German

Sports Update

What a great week for the Lions! Our soccer, basketball, volleyball, and cross country teams have continued to work hard. From competing at Crestwood to travelling two hours to Lakefield, our athletes always brought their energy, enthusiasm, and teamwork. For a more detailed account on each team, check the river on Edsby. Updates are posted

Spotlight on Alumni: Zach Brown

We are honoured to share the achievements of Zach Brown, class of 2014. In only his second year after graduating from Crestwood, his musings can already be found in the Stanford Daily. Zach attends Stanford University, and finished his freshman year with over a 4.0 GPA. Over the summer he was able to work alongside

Student Vote

Written by Grade 10 student, Laura Chau What are politics? What is the purpose of a federal election? Why do issues occur in the Canadian economy? Why has voter turnout declined in the past decade? Why is Civics a mandatory grade 10 course? There are several questions young Canadians have today that are not answered

Food Drive

Next week Crestwood Preparatory College will be running its annual We Scare Hunger Food Drive.  Every year for two weeks Crestwood students are asked to bring in non perishable foods which are then donated to the North York Harvest Food Bank. Crestwood has been fantastic in helping the people in our community who are less fortunate. This

School Clubs Info

After school clubs begin on Monday, October 19th.  Clubs begin at 3:45 pm and run until 4:45 pm.  Please Note, students can be picked up at 4:45 pm from the Club classroom.  After that time they will be taken to aftercare.  The following clubs are taking place on the days listed below. Monday Homework Club Art

Mark your calendar!

Mark your calendars for Crestwood’s School Scholastic Book Fair!  October 27-October 29 The Scholastic Book Fair is coming to our school! What better way to promote reading to our students than by supporting this important literary event.  We invite your entire family to participate by purchasing the latest and greatest in children’s books. Your support

Sports Update

The Lions have had another great week in sports! Crestwood staff and coaches have been so proud of all of their athletes. Students have done a great job balancing school work and practices, travelling to complete at other schools, welcoming other teams to Crestwood, and maintaining a high level of sportsmanship. For a more detailed

Parents’ Association

Today we hosted the first PA Pizza Day, thank you to all the wonderful parent volunteers.  It was a huge success. Next week we have two events coming up, please join us: Thursday October 15thfor the PA meeting at 8:45 in the school staff room. At 10:00 m Adam Anklewicz will be hosting  Edsby 101 session for all parents who


The first parent social is Thursday October 29th at Fabbrica! This is sure to be a fun and exciting event, so don’t miss out! Please purchase your tickets ASAP. If you have any questions or have an item you’d like to donate as a raffle prize, please contact Wendy Lerner at Forms and payment can be dropped off

Guidance News

Happy Thanksgiving!  We return from the holiday to a packed schedule of university visits.  This week during senior lunch the following admissions representatives from the following schools will be at Crestwood: Tuesday October 13th- University of Toronto Wednesday October 14th- Wilfred Laurier University Thursday October 15th- University of Guelph Friday October 16th- Trent University  

From We Day to Ecuador

Last year, Crestwood took a group of 16 enthusiastic students to Nicaragua, to help less fortunate children. They travelled during March Break to a remote area in the mountains, where both teachers and students got involved right away. Pouring concrete, helping to lay foundation, and hard work, ensured a great end result. Crestwood will travel during

Birthdays at School

Roary the Lion would like to help celebrate your son or daughters’ birthday and start their day of with a bang. For $5.00 Roary will come to your son or daughters’ homeroom the morning of their birthday and deliver them a birthday card and chocolate bar, and lead the class in singing Happy Birthday. Come by the

Tour For Humanity

  The Tour for Humanity rolled onto the Crestwood School campus on Thursday and spent two full days delivering a relevant and inspiring educational experience for Junior students. The T4H cost $1.2 million to conceive, design and build. It is a 30-seat, wheel-chair accessible, state-of-the-art, technologically advanced mobile education centre that presents information on the

Kenyan Boys Choir

On Monday, September 28th, Crestwood happily welcomed The Kenyan Boys Choir.  The boys came in singing and dancing and clapping. Right away, Crestwood felt the fever of their infectious sounds. Crestwood students, teachers and parents were on their feet taking part in the amazing event. The boys performed a very heartfelt tribute to Bob Marley’s

We Day

On Thursday, October 1st, thirty five students had the opportunity to attend We Day Toronto. The day started with inspiring words from Free the Children’s founders, Mark and Craig Keilburger. The day had only begun when we were graced by the amazing sounds of Hedley. The students at Crestwood had the opportunity to hear inspiring

Parents’ Association

A month has almost past and the students are settling into the swing of things. The PA and the parents have also been getting settled and organized. This coming month we kick off Pizza Lunches, Bake Sales and host our school wide parent social, Fabbrica! There are always opportunities to get involved, so PLEASE join

Sports Update

The fall sports season is off to a great start at Crestwood!  This season our Lions are competing in boys soccer and volleyball, girls basketball and co-ed cross country.  Most teams have just had their first league game and they have proved to be exciting matches with excellent competition. Team schedules can be found on

Guidance News

Study and Go Abroad Fair: Canada’s largest international university and student travel expo is coming to Toronto! The 2015 Study and Go Abroad Fair will be held this Sunday October 4th at the Metro Convention Centre from 1pm-5pm.  Students interested in international study, travel, work, and volunteer opportunities should attend. For more information, check out University Visits at

Terry Fox Day

On Friday, September 25th, Crestwood Preparatory College celebrated Terry Fox Day.  The school gathered in the gym to watch a brief video about the courage and perseverance of our Canadian icon Terry Fox, followed by the traditional run/walk and staff versus student relays. Once again the students defeated the teachers in the 4 X 100 relay!

Spirit Point

The Grade 7s and 9s each spent 3 days and 2 nights at Spirit Point this week. Just a 3 hour drive away from the city brought zero-to-little cell phone reception, crisp nights, campfires, and fresh air. Both grades were able to try camping activities and practice survival skills. Canoeing, rock climbing, fire-building, shelter-building, and