Girls Vball Spikes TFS

The U12 Girl’s Volleyball team had an amazing win Thursday night against Toronto French School, playing what was undoubtedly their best game of the season.  The ladies won all three sets against TFS through fantastic team-work, determination, and much-improved volleyball skills. Kitty, Zoe, Chiara, and Tira demonstrated unstoppable serving with countless aces between the four of them. 

Girl’s Volleyball Victorious

On Monday, the U12 girl’s volleyball team played two tough rounds of volleyball against SMLS and Montcrest.  The ladies lost a hard-fought match against SMLS, but reigned victorious in their match-up with Montcrest.  Coaches Calway and Suckstorff were especially impressed with the dedication and grit the ladies showed during their third set tiebreaker with Montcrest. 

Parents’ Association News

Casino Night Please join us for Casino Night on Thursday, February 23rd.  It’s a great chance to support the Crestwood Foundation, have some fun and get to know Crestwood parents and staff.  Hope to see you there! Thank you! Thanks to all the parent volunteers who came to help hand out popcorn to students and

Guidance News

Just a reminder that all students have now received their course selection information for the 2017-2018 school year. Students should make sure to have their selections submitted by February 15th. If you have any questions, please contact Ms. Hann at

Spirit Week Recap

It was a whirlwind week as students and teachers faced off in good hearted competition and an overall good time at CPC’s annual Spirit Week. Take a glimpse at some of the good times had by all. Twin Day       Spirit Assembly        Staff vs. Student games                   

Charged Up!

The Grade 6 students started their unit on Electricity, and this week students learned about the scientific method and how to properly observe and record science experiments. We experimented with different materials to create static charges and observed balloons being attracted and repelled. Students really enjoyed using their own hair to “charge up” the balloons.

Ten Signs of a Humble Athlete

10. Uses more ‘we’ statements than ‘I’ statements 9. Stays after practice to give or receive extra guidance 8. Shakes the hands of the referees, as well opponents and coaches 7. Thanks his/her coaches everyday after practice 6. Actively leads within a team community service project 5. Takes self responsibility for any loss or poor performance 4. Happily sits in the less popular section during

Guidance News

Course Selection for the 2017-2018 academic year kick started today as Ms. Hann visited several of the Grade 8 English classes to discuss the Ontario Secondary School Diploma requirements and the course selection process. Grade 8 students were given an individualized course selection form to complete and are asked to return the form to Ms. Hann in

Casino Night

Last year, our “Roll Into Summer” casino event at the Montecassino Hotel raised more than $20 000 for the Crestwood Preparatory College Scholarship and Bursary Foundation fund. Over one hundred parents and staff took part in some poker, blackjack, and craps, enjoyed some great food and drinks, and engaged in a live and silent auction. Thanks to

Getting to Know You

My name is Sara Spigott and I teach primary music and direct both the Primary and Junior choirs at Crestwood School.  Before coming here I taught with the Peel board and in my home province of Saskatchewan.  Away from the classroom I am also a professional musician and perform with orchestras and ensembles in and