Movie Themed Spirit Day

  On Thursday May 19th we will be having a movie themed spirit day! All students are invited to come to school dressed up as their favourite movie characters! During the lunch recess periods students will be invited to participate in some movie themed activities hosted by the House Heads! We can’t wait to see everyone’s

3A Puppet Masters

  Look at these great sock puppets created by the students in 3A.  We used our puppets to write dialogues and then presented our dialogue during our Drama class. We really enjoy expressing ourselves through the dramatic arts.  It helps to build confidence, lifts our spirits, and helps us to develop our voice. Paula Georgiou  

Artists of the Month

  Congratulations to Taylor Puterman, Alice Yan and Shira Sandler for being our artists of the month. I’m pleased to present three completely different styles of art from abstract line work to animation to realism! These three hard workers deserve a round of applause for all their beautiful creations! Anya Romanenko  

A Virtual Field Trip to the Time of the Early Settlers

  The Grade 3’s got dressed up as early settlers and were transported back to Upper Canada in the 1800’s.  A costumed educator visited with students virtually in their classroom, shared videos, and photos from the Village, and led an active exploration of life in the 1800s. We learned about the life of the early settlers and the

Shine a Light

  The Grade 4 classes had a wonderful time participating in the ‘Shine a Light’ Scientists in School workshop this week! We learnt all about the properties of light, through hands-on, independent investigations. These included learning about refraction by shining a light through a moving cup of water and using a mirror to reflect light

We Stand With Ukraine

  Dear Parents, We are initiating 2 separate donation drives to support Ukraine. Anya Romanenko and her family have started an initiative called “Kids Create Ukraine – a family and friends initiative bringing creativity and joy to the children of Ukraine”. The idea behind this initiative: “We chose art to offer a glimpse of play

Mask Mandate Extended

  Dear Parents, After much consideration, given the fact that some staff and students that have tested positive for COVID-19 this week, we have decided to extend the mask mandate until Tuesday, April 19th (the day after Easter Monday). We will re-evaluate the situation then. Thank you in advance for your understanding. Yours truly, Dalia Eisen

Crestwood’s Grade 5 Classes Pioneer iheart Programme in Canada

  Crestwood’s Grade 5 students have just completed the second week of a course called Innate Health Education and Resilience Training, (iheart).  This course was developed in the United Kingdom to educate children about their innate resilience, with notable success.  98% of children who have taken the course have noticed positive changes in themselves at