Co-Curricular Awards

Every May we gather in the gymnasium to recognize the dedication and hard work that our students and teachers put into all the clubs and committees that took place over the past year. These co-curricular activities are critical pieces of our school life.  We also recognize the year-long involvement in academics, athletics, clubs, and committees

Children Will Listen

  In lieu of a spring concert, members of the Junior Choir, and a special guest from the Primary Choir, would like to share a virtual choir performance. Here is our rendition of Children Will Listen. I am so proud. Thank you to Jordyn, Margherita, Dara, Mia, Shira, and Bonolo for their practice, courage, and genuine

Basketball Scholarships

The 2019-2020 women’s basketball season has been one of best ever in Canadian history! This week Grade 11 student’s Latasha Lattimore and Shayeann Day-Wilson committed to Syracuse University.  They will both become members of the “Orange” in 2021.  We would like to congratulate them on this amazing accomplishment. This brings the total to 7 scholarship

PA News: Donation to North York Food Bank

Pizza Lunch Donates to the North York Food Bank Hello everyone, I hope that you and your families are staying safe and healthy in these uncertain times. As a result of the school closure and the cancellation of the 2 remaining pizza lunches for the year due to the COVID-19 outbreak, it has been decided

Beach Parfaits!

On Thursday May 21, students from 4D and 4E put on their chef hats for cooking with Ms Maurer!  To embrace the beautiful weather, students prepared Beach Parfaits.  Students made the parfaits using pudding and crushed graham crackers (to represent sand). Fun ingredients were added, such as rainbow candy for a beach towel, life savers for

Meet the Teacher: Sebastian Major

Meet the Teacher:  Sebastian Major Subject:  English, Drama, Economics, World Issues, Geography, World Religions Grades:   8 – 12 Sebastian Major grew up in Aurora.  He and his wife Beth were married in the summer of 2015 and had their first child, Miles, last year. Sebastian’s parents live the retired life in Collingwood and he has

Making Face Shields

Crestwood Maker Creating face shields for front line worker… Crestwood’s very own Adam Bacik (’22) answered the call when he was made aware of the lack of personal protective equipment for the front line workers at many hospitals. After consulting various hospital personnels and going through a few design iterations, he is nearing the final

English Award to Kian Torabi Ardakani

A huge congratulation to Kian Torabi Ardakani, ’22, for winning 3rd prize in this year’s InCITE Writing Competition for his short story “One of the 176”! The late Toni Morrison once said, “if there’s a book that you want to read, but it hasn’t been written yet, then you must write it.” This year’s competition asked

Thank-you Frontline Workers

As a small token of our appreciation, Crestwood staff, students, parents and alumni have been delivering thank you lunches to various frontline workers throughout the city.  Thanks to the generous donations of our Crestwood community we have been able to supply over 200 meals to amazing frontline workers.  Tuesday’s delivery was to health service providers at a

Celery Anyone?

  On Monday, both 3B and 3C participated in a fun Science experiment. The students have been working hard on our ‘Plants and Soil’ Unit and loved the opportunity to do some hands-on learning. During our experiment, the children investigated how plants absorb water and grow. We first made educated predictions and then watched the experiment unfold.

Meet the Teacher: Steven Vovk

Meet the Teacher:  Steven Vovk Subject:  History, Geograph, Careers and Civics Grades:   7 – 10 Steven Vovk grew up in Hamilton.  He and his wife of 11 years were university sweethearts.  They have a little girl. Steven’s parents are retired world travellers and his brother is a successful author and professor at McMaster. In his

Cooking with Ms Maurer

Yesterday students from 4E put on their chef hats for cooking with Ms Maurer!  The students had an amazing time preparing pizza.  Students made a variety of artisan pizzas, including Pizza ai Funghi! A special thank you to all of the parents that participated and helped our students with prepping the ingredients and using the

Live to Read to Live

  I hope the students are enjoying our remote library classes!  It’s great to see everyone’s eager faces as I read stories, suggest follow up activities and listen to book suggestions from the children. Please check Edsby to see the amazing links I’ve posted that relate to the books that I’m sharing on an ongoing basis. Here are

ATTENTION: Grade 12 Students

Once you have accepted your post-secondary offer, please take a moment to send your counsellor a note that includes the following information about your school: ➤ School: ➤ Program: ➤ Offer Conditions: ➤ Scholarship Name: ➤ Scholarship Amount: For example … ➤ School: Huron, Western University ➤ Program: Management and Organizational Studies (BMOS) ➤ Offer

Summer School 2020

Crestwood Preparatory College is pleased to offer a number of Ontario high school credit courses conveniently located in Toronto. Classes will run from June 22, 2020, to July 17, 2020. Given the current situation with COVID -19, we are looking at three options and at this point in time.  Unfortunately, we are unable to commit to which method we would be using