You’re Invited!

  We are delighted to have Paul Davis speak to our student and parent community about social networking safety. Mr. Davis will present to our junior students during the day and to parents in the evening. Paul Davis brings over 30 years of IT knowledge and expertise to engage students and parents in an informative

Lara’s Library

  Welcome to the Crestwood Library!  By now, you should see library books coming home with students from grades 1-6.  Please take note of your child’s library day so that books can be returned when they are due.  Also, please be sure to ask your child about the books that they have selected and read with them…even if


  Dear Parents, Welcome to the 2022/2023 school year! It has been such a fabulous start to the year and we are so excited to share a little about our first week back. Our first day on Wednesday was filled with smiles, laughter, and lots of new friends! It was wonderful to see our returning

Edsby Info

  For those of you not yet familiar with Edsby, it provides a modern way for parents and guardians to track their child’s homework, daily schedules, P/T interviews, weekly news, etc. New parents would have received an invitation email from Edsby recently which will provide a link that allows you to setup your own personal

Let’s Get Messy!

  This week 1A enjoyed a hands-on art workshop courtesy of Millie’s mom and dad, the owners of Messy Pants. 1A had fun creating one-of-a-kind masterpieces using clay and paint to give to their fathers and grandfathers on Father’s Day. They even got the opportunity to make something for themselves-neon slime in their choice of

Take Off to Reading Success

  Did you know that learning to read is a challenge for almost 40 percent of kids? The good news is every child CAN learn to read, including yours! Your child just needs tailored, structured support to match the way s/he learns best. The effects of falling behind and feeling like a failure can be devastating. Early intervention

Jump Rope for Heart

  Did you know that your heart beats about 100,000 times each day? That’s almost 70 beats a minute! Keep your heart strong by practicing your skipping for our Jump Rope for Heart event day on Monday, June 13th 2022. You can take a look at the Heart and Stroke Kick-Off Video here: Kick-off Video

Junior Track Championships

  Congratulations to all members of the junior track team that competed in the Championship meet that took place on Wednesday, May 25th at York University. It was a glorious day of competition that saw our athletes achieve their personal bests at many of the events. The day kicked off with a 7:30AM departure from our

Library News

  On Tuesday, the children from JK to Grade 2 enjoyed a virtual author visit with Toronto author, Andrew Larsen.  Andrew taught us that we all have stories to tell and one day even write.  Please ask your children about his visit!  Also, if you’d like to pick up any of his beautiful picture books for summer reading, please support our