University of Toronto Model United Nations Assembly (UTMUN)

Crestwood was pleased to send a delegation of students to the University of Toronto Model United Nations Assembly (UTMUN) this year. UTMUN is typically held each February on the campus of the University of Toronto, though this year the event took place via ZOOM. Crestwood’s delegates represented many interesting countries and diplomats, as students role-played

Ministry of Education Update regarding Return to School

Crestwood Preparatory College Community: I hope this communication finds you all well. I have said this many times before, and want to say it again. The CPC teachers, students and parents during this pandemic have been nothing but exemplary. Thank you all. Click here to see an important Ministry of Education announcement regarding the resumption of

CPC Oral History Projects: Black History

The Crestwood Oral History Project archives are a fantastic place to learn more about Black history in Canada this February! Hear the story of Stanley Grizzle, the son of Jamaican immigrants who rose to become Canada’s first federal citizenship judge. Learn about George Carter, the founder of the Toronto Negro Veterans Association and one of

Course Selection Webinar

Course Selection Webinar Thank you to all families who attended the Course Selection Webinar. The Guidance and University Counselling department covered important information pertaining to summer school, graduation requirements, course selection and post-secondary pathways. The virtual presentation is now available on-demand on Crestwood’s YouTube channel.   In-Class Presentations The Guidance department will be completing grade-specific,

Canadian Senior Math Contest

In November, members of the Problem Solving Club participated in the Canadian Senior Math Contest.  This contest, run by the University of Waterloo, gives students the opportunity to have fun and to develop their mathematical problem-solving ability.  The following students achieved a certificate of distinction for ranking in the top 25% of contestants: Alex Chen

Winners of the Grade 10 Intragrade Debate Championships

Last Friday, CPC completed the Grade 10 Intragrade Debate finals. It was the first year where the debate tournament had taken place entirely over zoom! I think our students adapted impressively to the challenge. Here were the final results: Champions: Adam Pearlman Simran Anand Runners-up: Jaycelyen Nei Jievan Tapanja Also I would like to extend a huge


  Dear Parents, As we bring week 3 of remote learning to a close, we hope everyone has some successes and joyous moments to share. While it can feel stressful and overwhelming to get through these weeks, remember to stay positive, and focus on the good things that happened. Wrapping up the week with our

Academic Adjustment to Timetable

Dear Crestwood Preparatory College Family and Friends: We have all been obliged to alter courses frequently in the last year. Current circumstances require some redirection in our academic journey.  Had we known we would be teaching online to this extent when we returned from the break, we would not have continued our two-course a day

Ontario Government Stay at Home Order

Dear Crestwood Preparatory College Community, I hope this communication finds you all well. In an ongoing attempt to manage an ever-increasing Covid crisis, the Ontario government has issued new orders and restrictions.  As usual, these include new rules involving school attendance. Kids in Toronto will not be attending schools in person until at least February

CPC School Nurse

To the CPC community: The stress surrounding each and every one of us is at an all time high as a result of the pandemic. I’d like to remind everyone in the Crestwood Community to be mindful of our mental health and use outreach programs when needed. Remember to take time for yourself each day

Health & Wellness Group (Edsby)

We know that the non-stop news coverage and social media posts, combined with social distancing, can cause feelings of uncertainty and anxiety. This second lock down may separate us from friends, family and other support systems, and our self-care routines have no doubt already been disrupted. It’s in times like these that we recognize the

Peer Tutoring Available

Is your son/daughter having trouble with a particular subject(s)?  If so then Peer Tutoring could be a great option for your child.  We have carefully selected several grade 9-12 students with proficient academics to provide this service.  Tutoring is available to students in all grades from 7-12.  Sessions will take place over Zoom to adhere to