Online Continues and Graduation Confusion

Dear Parents, Guardians, Teachers and Students of Crestwood Preparatory College: I hope this communication finds you all well. We have had little respite from uncertainty in all quarters for many months. More uncertainty was communicated today, largely the offspring of continuing debates regarding online and in-person schooling. Another Covid school year end only adds pressure

CPC Graduation Signs

Dear Parents, Guardians, Teachers and Students of Crestwood Preparatory College: As a small token of our appreciation for your son’s and daughter’s graduation from CPC, please be advised that lawn graduation signs will be delivered over the next two days.  Congratulations to all our families. As we all know, graduation day, and graduation signs, are

Art Room Rumblings

  This month we have been busy working under the influence of Leonardo da Vinci’s scientific drawings. We have been studying nature and discovering all sorts of wondrous plants! Some poisonous ones, world’s biggest ones and all the naturally useful plants that surround us daily. Here are some of our botanical illustrations. Anya Romanenko


  Dear Parents, What a strange weather week it has been! From hot summer weather to November slushy rain – we’ve seen it all this week! We hope you have all found some time this week to get outside and get active. Thanks again for your support of our Jump Rope for Heart fundraiser. We

Crestwood Reads Finalists

The finalists from each Grade 8 English class competed in the championship round of Crestwood Reads. It was a fierce competition, where panelists advocated for and debated about the independent novels they’d selected to read this term. In the end, the novel Black Like Me by John Howard Griffin, was voted as the winner. Many

Pfizer Vaccine for ages 12 to 17

Dear Parents and Guardians of Crestwood Preparatory College: There are several popup Pfizer mobile clinics for ages 12+. You’ll need to provide proof of address in the M3A postal code and proper identification. For proof of address, you can use any Crestwood report card from this school year. 1. John Polanyi CI (640 Lawrence Avenue W) 11am-9pm


  Dear Parents, The spring weather has finally arrived! With the sunshine and warmer weather, we hope everyone’s spirits are staying high, despite these challenging times. We know remote learning continues to be extremely difficult on students, staff and parents. Thank you for your continued support as we navigate these last few weeks of school.

CPC’s Youth and Philanthropy Initiative

This year’s Crestwood Youth and Philanthropy Initiative winners are hosted by:  Gabriel Pogrin, Jay Lu, and  Kian Torabi-Ardakani. Our finalists are: Tal Shram, Arvini, and Mark Starkman presenting Food Share; Simran Anand, Karianne Engelbert, and Evan Prosserman presenting Women’s Abuse Council of Toronto;  Jean-Luc Audet and Michael Lawson presenting Holland-Bloorview Foundation. Please click on the

CPC Oral History Project – Nursing Week

Nursing Week is the annual celebration of this critical profession.  It is held every May to coincide with the birthday of Florence Nightingale, the founder of modern nursing.  This year more than ever we have to be aware of the critical role these health care providers play in Canadian society, as has been true through

CPC Board Summary

Mr. David Lee, (father of Julia Lee ’18). After thirty years in Education, David retired three years ago and immediately became a valued member of our FOUNDATION BOARD.    As CPC’s inaugural Board Chair, David brings a diverse skill-set and a wide variety of Independent/Private School experience. Along with being an award-winning teacher and coach, he has an

Spring Virtual Festival of the Arts and Technology

The Festival of the Arts & Technology evening is an amazing way to celebrate Art, Music, Drama, and Technology by showcasing the abilities of the students of Crestwood Preparatory College.  Traditionally, we transform our hallways and classes into displays of talent and creativity. However, this year we once again will take the Festival of the Arts from the classrooms and halls of Crestwood to


  Dear Parents, The first week of May brought us lots to be excited about! Our week was capped off with a fun themed spirit day. We loved seeing all the creativity and enthusiasm each class brought to their chosen theme. Way to go! As we settle into remote learning, we continue to find ways

Grace Yu (’18) Receives Summer Research Award

Grace Yu, a Crestwood graduate (Class of 2018), who studies chemical engineering at McGill University just won a prestigious award for Summer Undergraduate Research Award in Engineering (SURE). SURE is a program where top students are selected to work with Engineering professors at McGill on a summer research project for 16 weeks. Grace will be