Celebrating Black Artists

  Hello Crestwood Families! For the month of February, the junior music classes have been celebrating Black History Month and its rich musical background. The students in grade 5 and 6 ended the month by making some wonderful artist posters featuring African American artists who have created change in the musical world and used their

Leprechaun Trap

3A was faced with a STEM challenge this week.  Our goal was to build a trap that would catch a sneaky little leprechaun in our classroom.  We imagined what our traps would do, planned out what they would like, created our designs and then thought about improvements that we could make to our traps.  Teeny


  Dear Parents, The first week of March has certainly been difficult for everyone. We want to thank you all for your continued support and cooperation as we navigate this challenging time. We know this week brought a lot of worry, tension and confusion to our school community, and we appreciate your patience as we

Gr.6 Spacescapes

  The grade 6 science classes spent the week making models of our solar system. Students designed scale representations that dealt with multiple celestial relationships, including: the locations of terrestrial planets, gas giants, and dwarf planets; the relative positions of the sun, earth, and moon during both solar and lunar eclipses; and the appearance of

Art Room Rumblings

  Our Grade 4 and 5 students celebrated World Cat Day on March 1st. Inspired by Warhol and Steinberg students have been working hard to create their own cat creation with a variety of medias. The Grade 6 classes are currently working on self-portraits. They are learning from great masters like Matisse, Picasso and Modigliani


  Dear Parents, Our last week of February was a great one at Crestwood School. Luckily, the huge amounts of snowfall made for lots of fun recess play. Students are settling back into school routine, and are engaging in lots of exciting learning opportunities in their classrooms.  On Tuesday, we celebrated Pink Shirt Day! The

Pink Shirt Day

  Tuesday February 23rd was Pink Shirt Day at Crestwood School.  It was wonderful to see so many Crestwood students wearing pink to send a very important message about bullying. Pink shirts are worn as a symbol and as recognition that bullying will not be tolerated at Crestwood School.

Thank You

  Thank you to all parents, guardians, students and staff for participating in our EduSafe App rollout. The safety of our students and staff has always been of the utmost importance and is only possible with complete community cooperation. We appreciate your continued support. * If your child is not attending school on a particular

Catapult Challenge in 3A

3A participated in a Valentine Catapult Challenge this week. We explored different ways to build catapults using simple materials and launched valentine candy as our projectiles. Both Lila and Xavier made catapults that launched their heart candy 400 cm or 4 m across our classroom. Try this challenge at home. Google “how to make a


  Dear Parents, What a wild first week back at school! We were so thrilled we were able to welcome the students back to school, and with a fresh, thick coat of snow on the ground too! It was so wonderful to see the students back in their classrooms, with their friends, out at recess,

Happy, Happy, Happy!

Grade 1A and 1B would like to wish everyone a Very Happy Lunar New Year as well as a Very Happy Valentine’s Day! We did so many great activities to explore these holidays including a valentine candy experiment!  Please enjoy our Chinese dragons and Valentine artwork. We are all looking very forward to being back at

Creative Comics

  This week in French class, the Grade 5 students created comics to show what they have been learning in their unit on Sports and activities. –Windy Charles  

Get Your Red, White and Pink On!

The Grade 3’s had a Red, White and Pink Theme Day to celebrate Valentine’s Day.  We got together with all of our friends to play a few games.  We participated in a “Find the Gnome” challenge, “Reveal the Valentine Picture” multiplication games, and enjoyed giggling at some “Heartfelt Would You Rather” questions.  We all hope


  Dear Parents, This is it! You have done it!  We have done it together! We have come to the end of Zoom school and the students are finally going back to school on Tuesday! We would like to congratulate all the students for showing up for school everyday and for always trying their best

Raptors Virtual Training Series

  Dear basketball enthusiasts, Raptors Virtual Training Series presented by Maple Leaf Foods is a high definition on-demand series of basketball skill development videos for boys and girls, ages 7-17 of all skill levels. Watch on any device and follow along as our Raptors Development Staff and Special Guests bring you their ENERGY and coach

Photography Club

  This week in Photography Club we focused on zooming in on parts of an object, filling the frame, and forced perspective. Forced perspective is all about playing with angles. It is all about creating illusions and fooling the eye. Forced perspective can make objects appear larger or smaller, farther away or closer than they actually are. Everyone

Bigger and Better Things in 2021! 

  We know that 2020 was tough on everyone. It sure wasn’t the year any of us had expected. In 5E, we decided that we wanted to make 2021 better for those around us. Each student in 5E decided on a goal to make this year better for someone else. In this video, you will


  Dear Parents, Happy February! Our first week of February, and our 5th (and second last) week of remote learning has been a great one! The highlight of the week was our school wide virtual assembly to kick off our MS Readathon! We learned a lot about multiple sclerosis, and had the privilege to hear

Crestwood’s Got Talent!

Though in years past we’ve hosted a talent show bringing together the whole school to watch as select performers shared their talents at a specific date and time, this year they’re going to get a little more flexible! The pandemic has forced us to change the way we do many things, but in this case