Happy Mother’s Day from SK!

  Kindergarten Moms have always been amazing, but this past year has shown us just how incredible Kindergarten Moms are. We recognize and appreciate the hard work you’ve done to care for your little ones. Happy Mother’s Day! Love, SKA and B!


  Dear Parents, The first week of May brought us lots to be excited about! Our week was capped off with a fun themed spirit day. We loved seeing all the creativity and enthusiasm each class brought to their chosen theme. Way to go! As we settle into remote learning, we continue to find ways

Protecting the Past @pioneervillage

  On Thursday, the Grade 3’s got to travel back in time to the 19th Century and discover the everyday lives and challenges of different communities that lived and worked in Ontario. During our virtual visit to the Black Creek Pioneer Village we got to learn more about the food, clothing, education, recreation and work,

Puppet Dialogue in 3A 

We had such fun in Grade 3A this week.  We created some sock puppets at home out of old socks and bits and bots that we found around our homes.  We then wrote dialogue between ourselves and our puppets in class.  We shared lots of giggles during our Drama lesson as we watched each other

Crestwood Clubs

Please take a moment to check out some of the fun and cooperative clubs being offered next week. Click on the image below to view the club list with Zoom links and additional info.     Students can also navigate via Edsby to their Groups and click on ‘Find More’ – once they discover the

What Can You Make With Aluminum?

What can you do with aluminum foil? 3A started out with some flat aluminum and we created some 3-D sculptures in our Art Class today.  First, we cut, folded, and twisted a large sheet of foil.  Then we slowly turned our twisted foil into the form of a person.  Take a look at our amazing

Help the Earth!

  SKB had quite the Earth friendly week!  We discussed the ways in which we as Kindergarten children could help the Earth. Here is what we came up with: 1.  Turn off the water when brushing our teeth 2.  Turn off the lights/computer/TV/iPad when leaving a room 3.  Use both sides of the paper 4. 


  Dear Parents, Welcome back and we hope you and your children had a much-needed restful and relaxing Spring Break. While we were disappointed to learn we could not return to in-person learning this week, we were excited to welcome the students back to Virtual School and it was so nice to see everyone’s smiling

Lara’s Library News

Attention Grade 3 to 6 families!  Crestwood School is hosting a virtual author visit with award winning author Lisa Graff on Monday, May 3 at 9:30am.  We have been reading her books in library class for many months and are really excited about this visit.  We have always had Canadian writers come into our school,

SK Plant Publication

  The SK’s were working so hard on their beautiful book about Plants!  They reviewed what plants need to grow and typed their own sentences for each page in their book.  It was a lot of work but they did such an amazing job!!!! Here are some of the fantastic cover pages my students are holding


  Can you guess who our Earth Helper in SKA is?                       This week, we learned the importance of protecting our Earth! Every day, we will reduce, reuse and recycle! What can you do to become a better Earthling? XO SKA P.S. If you guessed


  Dear Parents,  Happy April! We hope no one got too “fooled” this morning with any tricks. We had students in backwards clothing, pretend sticks of gum, and lots more trickery for April Fool’s Day today.  A big thank you to Mr. Cooper for setting up a fun egg hunt in the Junior and Primary

Circuit Breaker

  Classes 6C, D and E had a lot of fun this week discovering how electrical currents work. Their study of this topic culminated with students designing parallel and series circuits. This hands-on activity was a great way to learn about the necessary components needed for electricity to flow along a conductor. David Battista


  Dear Parents, We had a true taste of Spring this week, with warm, sunny temperatures and lots of rainfall to end the week. Thank you for helping your child dress appropriately for the everchanging weather – keep it up! Junior students have been participating in a letter writing initiative this week. Ms. Romanenko has

Ice Cream Sundae Celebration

  After 11 weeks of learning and practising our multiplication facts, Grade 3A celebrated with an ice cream sundae party.  Look at the smiles on our faces 🙂 Learning definitely feels great!  We have learned tricks, rhymes and songs to remember and use the facts from 0 to 11.  Now, we are ready to tackle division soon! Paula Georgiou

Messages of Joy!

  The Seniors Wish Foundation is asking for our help to bring some light and love to the seniors living at Belmont House. This organization works to build a connection between students and seniors and has been partnering with various private schools in the city to facilitate art workshops. At this time, they are unable

Trust me…I’m an Engineer

  5E had a visit from a real engineer this week, Mrs. Kanfi’s husband. Yoni Kanfi is a former Crestwood student who is also a civil engineer. Yoni spoke to the grade 5’s about his job and answered their questions relating to their “Forces on Structures” unit. It was great for the students to hear

Artist of the Month, Charlie Haddrell!

  I am happy to present the new artist of the month, Charlie Haddrell. Different styles, different interests, different ways to create is what makes each exhibition really unique. Charlie is the master of the line, he uses lines so freely in his drawings. He loves animals and studies them carefully as you can see

Cheers to Friends!

  Top of the mornin’ to Crestwood School from SKB! The wee laddies and lassies had a fun filled St Patrick’s Day!  We enjoyed lucky charms, a leprechaun hunt, and a pot of gold at the end of the rainbow!  Everything was green in our classroom. Green shamrocks, green glitter, green food colouring, green grapes,


  Dear Parents,  We are thrilled to report the students came back from the long weekend feeling refreshed and ready to learn! Despite the lost hour of sleep on Sunday, we had a great week of growing and learning. We had our 1st ever St. Patrick’s Day celebration on Wednesday! It was a blast seeing


  Dear Parents, The second week of March has certainly been a wonderful one! The weather was on our side bringing us warm, spring-like temperatures which certainly lifted our spirits. We have some wonderful news to report …..  All the students and staff that have been tested thus far are NEGATIVE! That means that all